Italo Vignoli kirjoitti 19.9.2019 klo 1.03:
On 9/18/19 10:25 PM, Ilmari Lauhakangas wrote:

The user experience problems of IRC are entirely solvable. Point'n'click
interfaces to hide all the command line stuff just need to be built.

The user interface is just one of the issues, and not the biggest one.
IRC is totally unnatural for people with a non technical background, no
matter the user interface. We communicate in a different way, and we are
looking for tools flexible enough to adapt to our mindset. IRC is simply
too far from it, and we will use IRC only if forced to do so (as I have
done so far). I can adapt to Riot, but not to IRC.

If we get for IRC
- message history for all participants
- message replies
- point'n'click interface for everything, including channel management
- form-based registration
- embedding media (already done, but mentioned as it is not available in all clients)

what are the unnatural aspects that remain?

Out of all the things I mentioned, point'n'click channel management is the only one that is not yet being implemented.


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