On 2019-09-18 21:56, Italo Vignoli wrote:
On 9/18/19 8:03 PM, Guilhem Moulin wrote:

   + XMPP is also provided by JPBerlin for members; a quote from Sophie's
     mails to the members ml:
       . a Jabber/XMPP address for instant messaging
       . a SIP/VoIP account for voice conferencing

Sorry, but they never worked for normal users like me. You have to
configure them to work with clients as the standard configuration does
not work, but whatever you do the client is unable to connect. Please do
consider people with limited tech capabilities.

I agree: XMPP and IRC are not well-designed from a user perspective. IRC requires an enormous amount of hackery to bring desired features such as media, multi-line, or offline messaging support. My vote is not to even consider going down that rabbit hole: We need users to *want* to use the ecosystem.

XMPP by itself is also featureless with regards to modern expectations such as message synchronization between devices. Server/client support for these features varies wildly. This is where Matrix shines: All of these modern features are built-in to the spec.

Conversations [1] is a spectacularly designed and very usable XMPP client for Android. Dino [2] is pretty good for the desktop, but it's still got some kinks and commits aren't terribly frequent. iOS has no good XMPP client.

   + guilhem: would just like to agree on something that's not telegram.
     Brett: would just need to be as usable as telegram then

AFAIK, Mattermost just works on desktop and mobile, even for people like
me with limited tech capabilities. Riot is way more complex, and IRC for
me is out of discussion (exactly as Telegram for Guilhem) for technical

Last time I tried Mattermost (admittedly back in 2015) it worked well enough on desktop, but mobile was not good. While the Mattermost Android application seems to be doing alright (4 stars average)[3], the iOS version looks to be a travesty (2.7 stars) [4]

Riot gets a 4.2 for Android [5] and 4.0 for iOS [6]. There also exists a simplified Android client called Pattle [7] that has a familiar interface for Telegram users.

Matrix does suffer from the same branding fragmentation that might scare away some users ("Why am I installing something called Riot? I thought I was using Matrix").

Matrix has support for LDAP, so users could just log in with their TDF account. The unfortunate part is that they'd have to manually type in the server into the custom field as it defaults to matrix.org.

Mozilla is trialling a replacement for IRC as well [8]. That might be worth keeping an eye on.

[1] https://conversations.im/
[2] https://dino.im/
[3] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mattermost.rn
[4] https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mattermost/id1257222717
[5] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=im.vector.app
[6] https://apps.apple.com/us/app/riot-im/id1083446067
[7] https://git.pattle.im/pattle/app
[8] http://exple.tive.org/blarg/2019/09/06/forward-motion/

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