#391: Prepare websites for F24 release
  Reporter:  robyduck       |      Owner:  webmaster
      Type:  task           |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major          |  Milestone:  Fedora 24
 Component:  General        |   Keywords:
Blocked By:  371, 369, 362  |   Blocking:
 F23 branch has already been created and variables are updated to F24
 final. We have some tasks, a few are bigger than usual, so if you want to
 help just ask or pass by in #fedora-websites ;)

 Main tasks are:
 * Create the Astronomy page in labs.fpo #371
 * Fedora Server: do not advertise 32-bit x86 media #369
 * Link to Release Announcement on getfedora.org #362
 * New website for secondary arches - see issue https://pagure.io/fedora-

 These tasks are critical, and we should start with them ASAP.

 Then, we need to do the other stuff:
 * redirect prerelease pages to $Product/download/index.html
 * verify no prerelease banners are visible
 * add CHECKSUMS, change them also in our checksum script and verify they
 are working from the DL splash
 * remove Beta checksums
 * check ALL links (DL, DOCS, footer)
 * add image sizes for getfedora.org, labs.fp.o, arm.fp.o and spins.fp.o to
 our globalvar.py
 * verify if all spins and labs are build for GOLD RC
 * add AMI IDs manually. We need to change our AMI script again, as we are
 going to pull all AMIs again. Drop prerelease lines in the script to make
 it work right.
 * at some point freeze translations (15-20 days before release date) and
 build getfedora in staging
 * Rebuild Atomic images, or better pull two weekly images again for F24
 and correct websites an scripts to make it work again. We had no Atomic
 images during prerelease, check if they are built as usual or if there are
 * Verify image names, pungi 4 is working slightly different, also check
 i386 vs. i686 again

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/391>
fedora-websites <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites>
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