>> Generally the exact name of the plug-in (after s/mod_// and s/_/-/) should 
>> appear in the package name.
> +1.  Ditto other packages in the same collection: you didn't mention such 
> atrocities as plugin-php52

As I mentioned, we're about to fix these but I want to reconfirm this
particular one.  Is the PHP module for Apache strictly tied to the PHP
version?  From the module name, it would appear to be although it's
unclear to me how stable or unstable the interface is.  Put another
way, is this better as






Note that the mod_php5.so is delivered as a link to mod_php5.2.so
although the conf file is php5.2.conf.  If we ever needed to support
two PHP releases, will Apache likely require different plugins to
support both?

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