Hallo Anke,

are you sure that your application has the same behavior with the
different logins that you test with?

If yes, perhaps can you compare the requests that are sent using a login
that works with those sent using a login that fails.

Web: http://www.efficient-webtesting.com
Blog: http://mguillem.wordpress.com

Anke Mündler wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Thank you very much for your fast response:
> 1) I am using Version R_1737  (I had the same problem with the version
> before, but did not find the problem)
> 2) My Webtest looks like (I do not put here the successful login):
>             <clickLink label="${link.suche}"/>
>             <setInputField htmlid="suche_begriffe" value="Monika
> Suppersberger"/>     => here I sometimes get the help page as a
> response, if I change the name
>             <clickButton label="${button.suche}"/>
>             <clickLink label="${link.daten.aendern}"/>  (tries to change
> the data)
>             <verifyTitle text="${Kontrolle_Titel}"/>         (verifies
> the title)
>              <clickLink label="${link.emailhinzufügen}"/> (adds an email
> address to the person)
>              <setInputField name="email[name]" value="a...@muendler.net
> <mailto:a...@muendler.net>"/>
>              <clickButton label="${button.speichern}"/> 
> 3) Log output (if you meant that...) - please see attachment, I saved it
> in an .txt
> 4) xml File:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <overview Implementation-Title="Canoo Webtest"
> Implementation-Version="R_1736">
> <folder name="001_TC00100deEmailEi">
> <summary duration='27360' starttime='Fri Jan 09 19:45:42 CET 2009'
> name='TC00100 [de] Email eines Mitarbeiters erfassen' successful='no'>
> <topsteps total='16' notexecuted='4' failed='1'
> successful='11'></topsteps>  (11 because of the successful login)
> <steps total='16' notexecuted='4' failed='1' successful='11'></steps>
> <timingprofile number='7' average='3473'>
> <range to='1' number='1' from='0'></range>
> <range to='3' number='3' from='1'></range>
> <range to='5' number='3' from='3'></range>
> <range to='10' number='2' from='5'></range>
> <range to='30' number='0' from='10'></range>
> <range number='0' from='30'></range>
> </timingprofile>
> <failingstep description='' name='clickLink'>
> </failingstep>
> </summary>
> </folder>
> </overview>
> I am not sure  if the information concerning the log is enough, if not
> please let me know (if I should add specific logging...).
> Thank you very much!
> Yours,
> Anke
> 2009/1/9 Michael Habbert <mich...@kelikami.de <mailto:mich...@kelikami.de>>
>     Hi Anke,
>     the usual questions are:
>     What does your Webtest look like, which version do you use, did you
>     try something else, was does the log say about the problem?
>     Yours,
>     Michael
>     Anke Mündler schrieb:
>         Hello,
>         I am really desperate dealing with this problem...
>         I am testing a seach functionality using setinputfield to enter
>         the "searched person".
>         If I try it with for instance my name, the test works perfect.
>         If I try another name, the test does not work  - setinputfield
>         gets a page back (in this case this is the help page).
>         Usually setinputfield shouldn't get a response page isn't it?
>         I really do not know why it works one time and with other people
>         it does not work...
>         Does anybody have an idea which causes this strange behaviour
>         could have?
>         Really looking forward to some hints!
>         Thanks,
>         Anke
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