
can the sql task generate an xls file? Is this a valid file that you can
open with Excel?

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Blog: http://mguillem.wordpress.com

Hitesh Gupta wrote:
> Hi All,
> I got a strange error, I am creating a excel file through the below code
> <dataDriven container=".config.xls" table="config" filterclass="All">
>                           <!--to change the validy date to be
> old-->                       
>                     <sql
> classpath="${basedir}/../../../../../lib/optional/jconn3-6.0.jar"
>                        onerror="continue"
> driver="com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver"
>                        url="jdbc:sybase:Tds:${idb_host}:${idb_port}/${idb}"
>                        userid="${idb_user}" password="${idb_password}"
> print="true"
>                        autocommit="true" output="passnumber.xls">
>                          <![CDATA[ select ord_code from xyz where
> ord_id='412401' ; ]]>
>                           </sql>             
> </dataDriven>
> And I found that the passnumber.xls excel sheet is created with data in it.
> Then I want to read the data from the above created excel file
> passnumber.xls through the code:-
> <propertytable container="passnumber.xls" filterclass="All"> 
>              <property name="Order_Code" value="${ord_code}" />        
> </propertytable>
> During this step I got an error
> "*java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot read container
> Unable to read entire header; 46 bytes read; expected 512 bytes at
> org.apache.tools.ant.dispatch.DispatchUtils.execute(DispatchUtils.java:115)*
> "
> If any one of you how to resolve this error then please let me know.
> Thanks in advance for your help..!!
> Hitesh

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