Hi All,

I'm having problems when testing our internal application with webtest. When 
I'm trying to run a test I'm always getting an error 403. In the browser the 
pages loads fine. The server that is hosting the application is our internal 
network server. Could that be the problem? I have tried to pass address 
argument in many ways (config section, invohe by url and by ip address). It 
also needs to go to specific port on the machine in this example 1999. Have 
anybody got an idea what can be wrong?

Bellow is the test xml

<project default="test">
  <target name="test">
    <webtest name="Default Test">
      <config host="" port="1999">
        <header name="User-Agent" value="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 
5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/" />
      <invoke url="Login.aspx" />
      <setInputField name="ctl00$cphBody$Login1$UserName" value="admin" />
      <setInputField description="Set password field 
ctl00$cphBody$Login1$Password: admin" name="ctl00$cphBody$Login1$Password" 
value="admin" />
      <clickButton label="Log In" />
      <clickLink label="global lists" />
      <setSelectField name="ctl00$cphAdmin$ddlIntakes" text="Test Intake 1" />
      <clickButton label="Add New" />
      <setInputField name="ctl00$cphAdmin$txtDescription" value="TestGL" />
      <clickButton label="Save" />
      <clickButton label="Add New" />
      <setInputField name="ctl00$cphAdmin$txtItemDescription" value="Test1" />
      <clickButton label="Save" />
      <clickLink label="global lists" />
      <setSelectField name="ctl00$cphAdmin$ddlIntakes" text="Test Intake 1" />
      <clickLink label="Edit" />
      <verifyText description="Verify that text is contained in the page" 
text="Test1" />

Thanks for any help.

Michal Sokolowski

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