Hi Michal,

You could try <invoke url="/Login.aspx" /> - that would be relative to the 
server address and port number specified in the config section.


-----Original Message-----
From: webtest-ad...@lists.canoo.com [mailto:webtest-ad...@lists.canoo.com] On 
Behalf Of Michal Sokolowski
Sent: 15 February 2009 20:50
To: webtest@lists.canoo.com; Michael Habbert
Subject: RE: [Webtest] 403 Error problem.


As I understood from what was in webtest manuals when there is a port and host 
specified in config section you should only use relative paths. But I have also 
tried to use

<invoke url=""; />

And had the same error coming. Any Ideas?

Thanks very much

Michal Sokolowski
Web Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: webtest-ad...@lists.canoo.com [mailto:webtest-ad...@lists.canoo.com] On 
Behalf Of Michael Habbert
Sent: Sunday 15 February 2009 12:24
To: webtest@lists.canoo.com
Subject: Re: [Webtest] 403 Error problem.

Hi Michal,

Strange URL: <invoke url="Login.aspx" /> for me.
Are you sure about this?



Michal Sokolowski schrieb:
> Hi All,
> I'm having problems when testing our internal application with webtest. 
> When I'm trying to run a test I'm always getting an error 403. In the 
> browser the pages loads fine. The server that is hosting the application 
> is our internal network server. Could that be the problem? I have tried 
> to pass address argument in many ways (config section, invohe by url and 
> by ip address). It also needs to go to specific port on the machine in 
> this example 1999. Have anybody got an idea what can be wrong?
> Bellow is the test xml
> <project default="test">
>   <target name="test">
>     <webtest name="Default Test">
>       <config host="" port="1999">
>         <header name="User-Agent" value="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; 
> Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/" />
>       </config>
>       <invoke url="Login.aspx" />
>       <setInputField name="ctl00$cphBody$Login1$UserName" value="admin" />
>       <setInputField description="Set password field 
> ctl00$cphBody$Login1$Password: admin" 
> name="ctl00$cphBody$Login1$Password" value="admin" />
>       <clickButton label="Log In" />
>       <clickLink label="global lists" />
>       <setSelectField name="ctl00$cphAdmin$ddlIntakes" text="Test Intake 
> 1" />
>       <clickButton label="Add New" />
>       <setInputField name="ctl00$cphAdmin$txtDescription" value="TestGL" />
>       <clickButton label="Save" />
>       <clickButton label="Add New" />
>       <setInputField name="ctl00$cphAdmin$txtItemDescription" 
> value="Test1" />
>       <clickButton label="Save" />
>       <clickLink label="global lists" />
>       <setSelectField name="ctl00$cphAdmin$ddlIntakes" text="Test Intake 
> 1" />
>       <clickLink label="Edit" />
>       <verifyText description="Verify that text is contained in the 
> page" text="Test1" />
>     </webtest>
>   </target>
> </project>
> Thanks for any help.
> Michal Sokolowski
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