Hi Marc!

> the last post of someone from Canoo was for a very long
> time ;-)
oh I got a mail from Dierk yesterday ;)

> I wanted to "officially" release version 3.0 and
> then to publish the artifact.
That will be really cool!
My problem is: currently those 3 jars are being repacked to the 
webtest-maven-plugin and codehaus folks will _not_ be very happy with that!
So what about doing a webtest-3.0-RC1 _now_ (this week at least)? So we at 
least have a preliminary version in the repo.
Maybe there are known bugs, but having this officially released will draw much 
attention and it can be used much more easily.

> webtest.jar now contains all the needed resources.
That's very good news indeed!
And will help me if I finally can grab the webtest.jar from an official repo ;)

In the meantime, the latest version of the webtest-maven-plugin can be 
downloaded from my git http://ns1.backwork.net via

$> git clone http://ns1.backwork.net/git/webtest-

I don't like to upload this to the codehaus SVN with those 3 jars :(
That's the only thing which hinders us from an 'official' maven release.

txs in advance and LieGrue,

--- Marc Guillemot <mguille...@yahoo.fr> schrieb am Di, 17.2.2009:
> Von: Marc Guillemot <mguille...@yahoo.fr>
> Betreff: Re: [Webtest] webtest-maven-plugin
> An: webtest@lists.canoo.com
> Datum: Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009, 9:56
> Hi Mark
> > Hi canoo folks!
> the last post of someone from Canoo was for a very long
> time ;-)
> > I hope my questions aren't too dumb, and be
> patient with me since this is my first post ;)
> > 
> > I'm currently working on moving Sigi Goeschls
> webtest-maven-plugin for maven2 over to codehaus mojo
> finally. 
> > 
> > I now found that the last canoo release in the
> official maven repo is 1454 wich is quite old (04-Jan-2007)
> and Sigi used R_1740 by manually extracting the jar and
> repackaging it (together with
> fontbox-0.1.0-dev-patched-20060622.jar and
> pdfbox-0.7.3-dev-log4j-20060612.jar)
> > 
> > Now my question: is there a maven2 repo which contains
> the latest canoo version?
> no.
> I wanted to "officially" release version 3.0 and
> then to publish the
> artifact.
> > I'd like to check this first before I package a
> jar which is already available somewhere.
> There is no need to package a new jar anymore. webtest.jar
> now contains
> all the needed resources. Due to Ant limitations, these
> resources still
> have to be extracted.
> com.canoo.webtest.util.WebtestEmbeddingUtil may
> help for that.
> Cheers,
> Marc.
> -- 
> Web: http://www.efficient-webtesting.com
> Blog: http://mguillem.wordpress.com
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