Hi Martin,

WebTest doesn't call groovyc but directly calls parseClass on a
GroovyClassLoader (see in webtest.xml). Maybe is it the reason?

Web: http://www.efficient-webtesting.com
Blog: http://mguillem.wordpress.com

Flower, Martin wrote:
> We use a custom marker annotation @TestId ("1234") to mark methods in
> our test classes - the id refers to the test condition id as produced by
> the test team.
> My task to is report on the test coverage using the TestId.
> I can access the TestId in Java test classes using apt (.java files) or
> asm (.class files).
> I cannot access the TestId in the .groovy files that are part of our
> Canoo webtests.  Apt ignores .groovy files, and asm cannot find the
> annotation because it is not in the .class file.  I originally accused
> groovyc of not preserving the annotation (on the groovy email list), but
> I was wrong, as I copied one of our .java tests to .groovy, and the
> .class file generated from the .groovy does contain the annotation.  I
> therefore conclude that the problem is webtest-specific.
> Is there some setting somewhere to have the annotation preserved in the
> .class file ?
> Thanks
> Martin
> Code snippets :
> TestId.java
> @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
> @Target(ElementType.METHOD)
> public @interface TestId {
>     String[] value();
> }
> ExampleTest.groovy
> public class ExampleTest extends TC002WebtestBase {   // extends
> WebtestCase
>     @TestId (["TC/0002/99/001"])
>     void test() {
>         webtest("TC/0002/99/001 Example test") {
> [...]
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