Hi Ian Bicking,

on 19-Sep-2001 you wrote:

> Fionn Behrens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In my optinion there is something clearly wrong with the last one of these
>> lines, because this is the function (from todays CVS HTTPRequest.py):
>>     def serverURL(self):
>>         """ Returns the full internet path to this request, without any
>>         extra
>>             path info or query strings.
>>             ie: www.my.own.host.com/WebKit/TestPage.py"""
>>         host = self._environ['HTTP_HOST']
>>         adapter = self.adapterName()
>>         path = self.urlPath()
>>         return host+adapter+path
>> To me it looks like the last line should read:
>>         return host+adapter
>> What do you think?
> host is the server name, adapter is the, well, adapter (like /WebKit/
> -- the portion of the path that leads to the AppServer)) and path is
> the path to the servlet.
> I.e., http://someplace.com/WK      /SomeContext/page.psp
>              [   host    ][adapter][       path        ]

Well. What I wanted to point out is, that the function does NOT work like
you (and itself) describe it. What I got (didnt you see?) was:

               [   host       ][   adapter   ][         path        ]

which looks pretty unusable to me. Or have I missed a point?


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