On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 21:22, Jason Hildebrand wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 19:38, Ian Bicking wrote:
> > It looks pretty innocuous, but I also have a hard time seeing the
> > function of this method.  Well -- I think I get an idea of how you are
> > using it, but I'm having a harder time seeing what it's general function
> > is.
> I suppose it's the same thing as a default action in response to a POST.
> Maybe "defaultPostAction" would be a better name.
> > Right now the _action_ field works on both POST and GET.  But this only
> > gets called on POST.  That's not really symmetrical.  
> That's true.  To be symmetrical, we'd have to add defaultGetAction() as
> well.  Upon getting to the bottom of the _respond() -- that is, no
> action was called -- it would call either defaultGetAction() or
> defaultPostAction().  The default implementations of each would be to
> call writeHTML(), which would give the same effect as the current
> implementation.  I'm not really proposing this, I'm just explaining what
> "symmetrical" would look like.
> > It seems more like
> > you need a hook in awake or some other method.
> Here's the situation:  I have a page with a form on it.  If the user
> changes the dropdown box, I have some javascript which automatically
> submits the form, because it needs to be refreshed.  Lots of websites do
> this - for example you select a country and then the form refreshes
> itself and the next field presents a list of regions specific to the
> country you chose.
> When a browser submits a form using javascript, there is no _action_
> field defined, so none will be called.  What I need is the ability to
> recognize when this happens, so that I can grab all of the form values
> and repaint the form (as opposed to validating the fields like I would
> have done in the action if the user had clicked a submit button).

Another way to do this would be with a text field/select box combo,
where the select box would fill out the text field (to match the select
box), or if the user selected "other" would clear the text field and put
focus in that field.  This is a little closer to the (sadly missing from
HTML) traditional drop-down box with editing capability that most UIs

> It's also true that I could achieve the same effect by putting a check
> in awake(), or even in writeContent(), but I'd have to check to see if
> an action was invoked, which means I have to essentially duplicate the
> code in Page._respond(), which I'd prefer not to do.

Maybe this is a bit of a hack, but actions() returns an ordered list,
and the first matching action found is called.  You could put a hidden
field in the form like <input type="hidden" name="_action_default"
value="true">, and make sure that actions() returned a list with
"default" at the very end.

If this seems like a hack, I think the best way would be to formalize
the notion of a default action, since that's what you're really asking
for.  I think it's more robust, because you'll still be able to use GET
in your form, and this will work, and if someone reaches your form
through a POST they'll still see the rendered form, not the result of an
erroneously called defaultPostAction().


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