On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 20:51, Stuart Donaldson wrote:
> Ok, so I can see the value of MixIn() in some cases rather than subclassing,
> depending on what you are doing. However in my case, I wanted to replace the
> createApplication method on ThreadedAppServer, and I tried doing this in the
> __init__ method of my module.  
> I need to import my module prior to starting the ThreadedAppServer because I
> want to affect how the ThreadedAppServer starts.  If I do this, then the
> Application method addContext() fails to call contextInitialize() because
> the module has already been loaded.  

If you want to change the session class, then maybe you should change
that class directly instead of trying to change the AppServer.  If you
want to create an entirely new session class, I can understand the
problem.  Even then, couldn't you modify the instance variable of the
AppServer after the fact?

I mean, *I'm* not opposed to making local subclassing possible, and I
don't think anyone else is (like you say, most of the code is already
there with this in mind) -- but I'm also not sure it's necessary.  It's
purely in a desire to be minimal that I'm being skeptical.

You mentioned sessions before -- what specifically do you want to do? 
I.e., which class do you want to subclass (since there's a lot of

> Perhaps addContext() should be maintaining a list of contexts which have
> been initialized, rather than just initializing them if addContext() is the
> actual place where they are loaded?

I don't follow this, though.  If you're looking for something with
somewhat different semantics than addContext, maybe a plugin that uses


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