Actually it was not only DBUtils why I asked to postpone, but I still hadn't tested the last beta with my main application and had only time to do it this week. So I thought it would be a better timing to have the next beta cut one week later.

Also, before the 0.9 release, CVS reminescensces should be removed from:


Since nobody volunteered to do this, I wanted to work on that before cutting the next beta.

I also support Chuck's suggestion to cut a "release candidate 1" instead of a "beta 3".

Mark, how about doing this one week earlier on September 13th? This would give me enough time and not cause such a delay. The actual release could follow very quickly.

Ian Bicking wrote:
> Is there any reason that should be part of the main Webware release?

The DBUtils package is actually completely independent from Webware.
It could be used as well by other application servers or other multi-threading environments.

But since nearly all Webware applications need database access and in view of the "batteries included" paradigm, I thought it would be a good idea to make it a "Utils" plug-in similar to MiscUtils. Actually, it replaces the MiscUtils/ module completely.

-- Christoph

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