> So this is either a flat out Mozilla bug, or WebKit is doing something 
> "non-standard/typical" with cookies that IE & NN are forgiving of, but 
> Mozilla is not.
> I'm not a Mozilla person myself and tend to lean towards "standard is as 
> standard does". So if IE & NN can deal with it, especially the old NN 4.6, 
> I'm inclined to be satisfied and expect Mozilla to either fix the bug, or 
> broaden its horizons.

One Dillon Jones figured out my actual problem, which was that I was
using a junkbuster proxy with Mozilla, which ate all the cookies.  So,
uh, never mind.  With the junkbuster proxy set to not eat cookies,
everything works fine.

> However, if anyone were to present a cookie format that worked for all 3 
> browsers, I would certainly accept that.
> Possibly related, I have noticed that when I go between multiple WebKit 
> sites, they often consider my session to be expired, which is probably due 
> to the session id cookie being considered invalid. I wasn't really 
> expecting multiple WebKit sites to share the same cookie space. This is a 
> problem that needs further investigation, and perhaps the eventual solution 
> will make Mozilla happy.

This may have to do with not setting the "domain" in the cookie,
although I believe the cookie spec instructs the browser to set the
domain to the domain from the request if it's not specified in the

> -Chuck

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