Hi guys,
what are your thoughts about Webware after 0.6? i.e. "what 
issues need to be addressed before 1.0"

I assume that 0.6 will:
* fix the console hanging and socket binding problems that 
Jeff's been working on

* incorporate the fixes to Session handling that Ken 

* incorporate the HEAD method fix from Ken

* fix small misc bugs

There's alot of ideas and code floating around for taking 
Webware to the next level after the 0.6 release:


I think there should be a formal plan to deal with these 
ideas.  It should address and prioritize the following:
*** making the switch to distutills (probably requires a 
new package structure)

*** implementing a more flexible framework for url handling 
... relates to Clark's path sessions and the non-PATH_INFO 
stuff I've been working on.  

** implementing some form of the multi-application idea 
that Jay and I have been working on 

* improving the structure of the config files (see the 
example in http://www.calrudd.com/Webware/)

* adding a .shutdown() method to the Servlet API (see the 
startup/shutdown code in http://www.calrudd.com/Webware/).  
This also relates to Ken's DBPool.shutdown() suggestion.

* working on the DBPool/Application API as being discussed 
right now

* implementing some form of an output caching API (I posted 
about this a few months ago)

* implementing a ZODB version of SessionStore that would 
allow sessions to be shared between multiple machines.

* scrapping (or documenting) 'cans'

* packaging Cheetah 1.0 and FunFormKit 1.0 with the Webware 
distro (once they're released)

Maybe a formal decision making process like Python's PEP's 
would help with all this.  Chuck, didn't you write a WEP at 
one stage for the Page.py changes?  Webware's certainly 
large enough and complex enough to warrant something formal 
like that.  If we go that route there should be a WEP 
section on the Webware site to house/categorize the WEPs.

Finally, I think it would help to start a DEVEL_BRANCH in 
the cvs that would allow experimentation on these ideas, 
while the work on a stable 0.6 release continues.  


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