Tracy Ruggles hat gesagt: // Tracy Ruggles wrote:

> 1) .extraURLPath() isn't working the same as in 0.7.  Before, I
> could have a servlet, 'index.py' within any directory, say,
> 'Display' and call an url like '/<context>/Display/5.6' and
> .extraURLPath would return '5.6'.  Now with the latest in cvs, it
> returns an empty string, but if I change the url to
> '/<context>/Display/index/5.6' then it returns '/5.6'. 

Yep, that is the workaround, I made, too. I now have a Main.py in my
context, that redirects to the actual servlet, "wiki.py" like:

from WebKit.Page import Page
class Main(Page):

        def __init__(self):

        def writeHTML(self):
This way, I can use extraURLPath in wiki.py almost like before. I
think, in the list returned by split("/") I had to use the [1]
element, where I was using split("/")[0] before, but I would have to
check that again.
 Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__

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