I am updating a short thread from seven months ago:

I had sought advice along these lines:

>Which [Linux or maybe BSD] distribution is best for hosting a 
site that uses webware? 

This was in the context of moving to a user-mode linux (or BSD) 
virtual private server. I am writing to say that I followed the 
advice of Mr Barknecht and went with Debian, and it seems to be 
an excellent choice. The apt system is very nice indeed. I 
learned what I needed to know about system administration while 
setting up a mail and web server for a couple of virtual 
domains, and have been using webware with mod-python. As I had 
only used Linux systems as a user, I had to overcome some 
trepidation, but things turned out to be easier than I had 
expected (partly due to apt and partly due to the experience of 
configuring some server-type software on Mac OS X).

So I can recommend user-mode (Debian) linux as a much better 
experience than trying to use the typical shared hosting deal, 
where you only have user permissions. I went with 
redwoodvirtual, which starts at only $10/month. Although they 
have had a few outages, they are very responsive by email. I do 
wish that there were a way to restart your server when it gets 
hung, which has happened a few times, other than emailing 
support and asking them to do it. 

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