Thanks for all the support on this issue. I was really going nuts trying to install all these different possiblities and always getting stuck in some dark corner of configure/make hell.

Here were the suggestions I got:
• Vitaliy Fuks, Cheng-Dae Choe - - a Python interface to gdchart <>
• Adam Kerrison suggested pygdchart
• Michael Palmer suggested Supposedly a pure python package. But it only outputs SVG, PDF, EPS data and I wanted PNGs.
• Tom Dennehy suggested R, an open-source version of the S+ statistical package. Excellent plotting capabilities from data in plain text files. Visit
• Eduardo Elgueta - If you can spend some dollars, I recommend ChartDirector: but they don't yet have a Python-Mac OS X version.
• Chris Barker - matplotlib has been easy on Linux and Windows for me. All it needs in Numeric or numaray, if you are generating images for a web app, rather than a GUI.
• Shayne O'Neill offered: GD (magic stuff!) and

I tried each one in turn and hit some stumbling block. Finally I found PILChart by Richard Jones on Vaults of Parnasus, which only requires Python Imaging Library (PIL). There were some problems with PIL-1.1.4, but Richard's code was so simple and easy to understand, that I fixed them quickly. He is not updating his code anymore, so I have no place to put my fixes. If there is interest, I will find a place to post a new version of PILChart.

But first, I want to get the automated test cases finished for Webware. Anybody want to lend a hand with the more tricky components like WebKit, MiddleKit and Buildbot?


On Jan 21, 2005, at 10:55 AM, Winston Wolff wrote:

This isn't webware related, but can anybody recommend any charting libraries, i.e. make a bar graph of something over time?

I've tried for over three solid days now, searching and trying to install Biggles and Matplotlib with no success. The plethora of prerequisite libraries that all must be installed and work together is an enormous pain.
winston wolff - (646) 827-2242 - - learning by creating

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