John Dickinson wrote:

I think I understand now.
The client is polling the server for new data that could come up because of external events. If I understand correctly, this kind of application is useful for a certain class of websites like chat, real time data updating (like stock quotes), etc..

In majority of ajax applications, such polling might be useless isn't it?

Not quite useless. The reason I originally wrote AjaxPage was for a system that can have long-running requests to the server (generating reports). In that case, I was fighting against browser/server timeouts. On our installation of Apache, the client/server connection would be broken after 5 minutes.

This is a VERY specific application.
I thought the ajax page was a base class for any ajax application but it is absolutely not... Believe me that a vast majority of http or ajax request is responded immediately, and such mechanism is simply not needed.
Sorry for having bothered you.

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