Jeff With The Big Yellow Suit wrote:

> If someone could explain, I would be grateful...

If I'm interpreting your questions and statements correctly
then you seem to have two misunderstandings.  One is about
how HTTP requests work, and the other is about the costs
of threading.  Please forgive me if I've gotten either of these
interpretations wrong.

To correct the first misconception, here's an outline of how
an HTTP request works.

1) Client opens a TCP connection to server.
2) Client sends HTTP request to server over TCP connection.
3) Server performs request
4) Server returns the results over _the same_ TCP connection.
5) TCP connection is terminated

I know that already.
I simply didn't understand why the server was polling anything in the first email of this thread. It is a very specific application for very long responses (more than 5 minutes)

To correct the second misconception, threads are *not*
zero cost.  They're cheap in comparison to forking, but they're
nowhere near free.   That's why non-threaded networking
frameworks such as twisted exist.  By avoiding the costs of
threading they can achieve much higher throughputs.

Sorry, I will repeat myself: We are not talking about the same threads. Python threads have NOTHING in common with the threads you are talking about.

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