I am trying to find out how organizations are conducting risk assessments.

1.  Are you using automated tools?
2.  Are you developing your own risk assessment tools in-house?
3.  What steps are you using to identify risks? 

An example; if you are developing an employee sanction policy/procedure, what steps or 
processes did you go through to identify what types of risks you should include in the 
sanction policy?  

*       How did you identify the risk?
*       How did you categorize the risk?
*       How did you classify the risk?
*       How did you determine what sanctions to employ for that particular risk?
*       Who participated in this process?
*       Are you willing to share a copy of the policy or process with the group.

Thanks for your assistance.  

Susan Rouse
Unisys Compliance Advisory Group
8008 Westpark Drive
Mclean, VA 22102

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