Weekly Niue News
[2004-09-11: list updated for new site]
>                       We have 6 guests online
>    Petition Adjourned By Court
>    An electoral petition challenging the drawing of names from a
>    hat in tied votes after a general election has been heard in
>    the High Court at Niue. The petitioner Dion Taufitu was a
>    village MP in Toi who lost his seat after a tied vote in the
>    April general election. He contended the Constitution stated
>    members of the Assembly had to be "elected." He said the
>    electoral act which prescribed procedures in the event of a
>    tied vote was unconstitutional, undemocratic and therefore
>    invalid.
>    The Electoral Officer Togia Sioneholo said the law was clear
>    about procedures for a tied vote and had been carried out
>    after the last election.
>    Judge Heta Hingston said the matter was of the utmost
>    importance and requested that both parties to make written
>    submissions and he would deliver his finding within three
>    months.
>    Kid Boozers Warned
>    recommended by acting Chief Justice Heta Hingston after
>    [date.gif]  Friday, 03 June 2005
>    Geography Book Valuable Contribution
>    A new book Niue Island has been launched by the Premier of
>    Niue Young Vivian. He was quick to praise the authors Dr
>    Warwick Murray and Dr James Terry of the University of the
>    South Pacific geography department and contributors who
>    compiled the book that covers the human and physical aspects
>    of the island along with climate change, soils, land use, land
>    tenure and Niue in the global context.
>    Fr John Bonato director of the USP distance and flexible
>    learning support centre said Niue was an awe inspiring place
>    of great interest to geographers and earth scientists. The
>    book is the result of a call from USP academics who have
>    called for greater research into small Pacific islands. The
>    USP geography took up the challenge and have done an excellent
>    job. Niue Island will be a valuable reference in years to come
>    for residents, students and those studying the island.
>    diminishing population larger stores now demand cash up
>    front.The controversial Niue Investments company that was
>    struck off the New Zealand Companies Office register last year
>    for failing to file financial reports has undertaken to pay
>    off creditor Cullings Food Products who gained a judgement
>    against the company for $18.000.
>    Previously headed by former Minister of Finance Toke Talagi
>    the company, with about 32 shareholders, leased the Niue Hotel
>    that was demolished in Cyclone Heta in 2004.
>    Counsel for Niue Investments, Peleni Talagi, told Judge Heta
>    Hingston that the debt will be paid from a bank accounts on
>    Niue and in New Zealand.
>    Niues Chief Justice Norman Smith earlier criticized the
>    company for stalling the payment to Cullings.
>    Holiday: Queen Birthday Weekend on Niue sees the annual golf
>    tournament and a marine day at Mutalau with reef and canoe
>    fishing.
>    Last Updated ( Friday, 03 June 2005 )
>                            53967 Visitors

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