Vince Skahan <> writes:

> It's not a broken packaging system, it's operating system differences and 
> trying to use one package to handle all os variants+versions with one 
> package. I've battled this for 15+ years in $work.
> A python app packaged in rpm format would run on centos 5, 6, 7, 8 just 
> fine but some versions have corequisite library xyz and some don't.   That 

And some will have different openssl versions (e.g. 1.0 vs 1.1) and thus
different shlib majors, and thus any .so in the python app that is
linked to /usr/lib/ is going to be trouble.  I realize there
is some attempt to not have this happen, but it seems impossible to
avoid completely.

> would mean the rpm works in some os+version combinations, but not all. 
>  Confusing to the user when a rpm refuses to install and the os gives the 
> user a cryptic not-helpful message.
> Same with dpkg installations.  We see differences between ubuntu and debian 
> variants, versions of each os variant, and other dpkg-compatible operating 
> systems (Mint etc.)

But "dpkg-compatible" doesn't really mean "the systems are using the
same packaging system".  By packaging system, I mean the entire set of
packages that are available on a particular OS/release/cpu typle (where
"debian" and "ubuntu" are different OSs).

So the notion that a binary package in rpm, deb, whatever can be
installed on any linux flavor that has the same CPU type is basically
unsound; it would have to be built per OS/release/cpu tuple and ensure
that the dependencies are available in the same package repo that it's
going to go into.  (or that, with sound optimizations.)  This is your
option 3 I think, and it's what pkgsrc does.

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