On Wednesday, November 23, 2016 at 3:31:08 PM UTC-5, mwall wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 23, 2016 at 3:11:58 PM UTC-5, Dan'l B wrote:
>> Where do you place the include, and what is the format for it please? 
> the index.html.tmpl in the forecast skin shows this as well as examples of 
> how to use the $forecast variable.  you should get that skin to work first, 
> then start customizing. 
> if you change weewx.conf, a restart is required.  if you change skin.conf, 
> no restart is required.

OK, all running in default mode. Now, in the skin.conf file, I am having 
trouble understanding how to enable the various options. For example, if I 
want to show_wind on the forecast page,

## Which columns should be displayed?


#set $show_wind = int($getVar('Extras.forecast_table_settings.show_wind', 
> 1))

I uncomment that line, but then do I also uncomment the IF loops (#if 
$varExists('forecast')) as well as the IF condition:

#if $show_wind

        <td class='col-wind' style='text-align:center'><img 
> src='icons/flag.png' class='legend-img' alt='W' title='wind' /><br/><span 
> class='units'>$unit.label.wind</span></td>

#end if

or have I misunderstood this process?

I do understand the advantage of using weewx.conf so as not to lose changes 
in upgrades, as well as the re-start/no re-start issue.

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