The best way of forcing the NOAA reports to be generated is to a) stop 
weewx    b) delete all NOAA reports    c) start weewx

Not sure if it automatically generates reports earlier than ones already 
present in the directory - hence deleting ALL NOAA reports and have weewx 
regenerate them all again from the archive.

On Sunday, 8 January 2017 08:02:15 UTC+2, Niklas Berglund wrote:

> It looked okay for my first couple of months importing. The weewx.sdb 
> database went from 2 MB to 11 MB. So somethings there. 
> But it didn't generate the NOAA reports. Is it supposed to do that 
> automatically from older data in the database ?
> Oct 2010 look like this : 
>                    MONTHLY CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY for Oct 2010
> NAME: Lanna, Narke, Sweden                  
> ELEV: 101 meter    LAT: 59-14.76 N    LONG: 014-54.96 E
>                    TEMPERATURE (°C), RAIN (mm), WIND SPEED (m/s)
>                                          HEAT   COOL         AVG
>       MEAN                               DEG    DEG          WIND             
>       DOM
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  01
>  02
>  03
>  04
>  05
>  06
>  07
>  08
>  09
>  10
>  11
>  12
>  13
>  14
>  15
>  16
>  17
>  18
>  19
>  20
>  21
>  22
>  23
>  24
>  25
>  26
>  27
>  28
>  29
>  30
>  31
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      -14.7   -9.4     04  -20.4     21 1024.9    0.0 1193.8    1.1   10.3     
> 14    251
> Niklas
> Den fredag 6 januari 2017 kl. 13:33:46 UTC+1 skrev Niklas Berglund:
>> Got it. thanks
>> I think I should have it all sorted now : 
>> pi@WeatherPi:/var/tmp $ wee_import --import-config=/var/tmp/csv.conf 
>> --config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf --dry-run --verbose
>> Starting wee_import...
>> A CSV import from source file '/var/tmp/data.csv' has been requested.
>> The following options will be used:
>>      config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf, import-config=/var/tmp/csv.conf
>>      source=/var/tmp/data.csv, from=None, to=None
>>      dry-run=True, calc-missing=True
>>      tranche=250, interval=derive, date/time_string_format=%Y-%m-%d 
>> %H:%M:%S
>>      rain=cumulative, wind_direction=[-360.0, 360.0]
>>      UV=True, radiation=True
>> Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
>> 'weewx.sdb'
>> Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
>> Missing derived observations will be calculated.
>> This is a dry run, imported data will not be saved to archive.
>> Obtaining raw import data for period 1...
>> The following imported field-to-weewx field map will be used:
>>      source field 'barometer' in units 'inHg' --> weewx field 'barometer'
>>      source field 'outTemp' in units 'degree_F' --> weewx field 'outTemp'
>>      source field 'outHumidity' in units 'percent' --> weewx field 
>> 'outHumidity'
>>      source field 'rain' in units 'inch' --> weewx field 'rain'
>>      source field 'dateTime' in units 'unix_epoch' --> weewx field 
>> 'dateTime'
>>      source field 'windDir' in units 'degree_compass' --> weewx field 
>> 'windDir'
>>      source field 'pressure' in units 'inHg' --> weewx field 'pressure'
>>      source field 'windSpeed' in units 'mile_per_hour' --> weewx field 
>> 'windSpeed'
>>      source field 'inHumidity' in units 'percent' --> weewx field 
>> 'inHumidity'
>>      source field 'inTemp' in units 'degree_F' --> weewx field 'inTemp'
>>      source field 'windGust' in units 'mile_per_hour' --> weewx field 
>> 'windGust'
>>      source field 'rainRate' in units 'inch_per_hour' --> weewx field 
>> 'rainRate'
>>      source field 'windGustDir' in units 'degree_compass' --> weewx field 
>> 'windGustDir'
>> Raw import data read successfully for period 1.
>> Mapping raw import data for period 1...
>> Starting dry run import ...
>> 132254 records identified for import.
>> Records processed: 132254; Unique records: 132254; Last timestamp: 
>> 2010-12-31 23:59:00 CET (1293836340)
>> Mapped data saved to archive successfully for period 1.
>> Finished dry run import. 132254 records were processed and 132254 unique 
>> records would have been imported.
>> pi@WeatherPi:/var/tmp $
>> /Niklas
>> Den fredag 6 januari 2017 kl. 10:15:33 UTC+1 skrev gjr80:
>>> dateTime is an epoch timestamp, exactly what weewx uses. wee_import will 
>>> import these files with little change. Have a careful read through the 
>>> wee_import section of the weewx utilities guide - 
>>> You are game importing from WU, stick with the weather display data, it 
>>> is your best source.
>>> Gary

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