If you were using 3.6.x it looks like issue #176 
<https://github.com/weewx/weewx/issues/176> may have been causing the 
latest issue. This was fixed in 3.7.0.


On Thursday, 16 March 2017 11:15:19 UTC+10, Max G wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> Thank you kindly for checking this out for me...
> I think the thread and your response is important, as many have these 3081 
> weather stations...
> Well, I copied your field map straight into the config file:
> source = CSV
>     file = /home/maxg/wwimport/test4import.txt
>     interval = 10
>     qc = True
>     calc_missing = True
>     tranche = 250
>     UV_sensor = True
>     solar_sensor = True
>     raw_datetime_format = %d-%m-%Y %H:%M
>     rain = discrete
>     wind_direction = -360,360
>     # test4import.txt:
>     #No,Time,Interval(mi),Indoor Humidity(%),Indoor 
> Temperature(°C),Outdoor Humidity(%),Outdoor Temperature(°C),Absolute 
> Pressure(hPa),Wind(km/h),Gust(km/h),Direction,Relative 
> Pressure(hPa),Dewpoint(°C),Windchill(°C),Hour Rainfall(mm),24 hour 
> Rainfall(mm),Week Rainfall(mm),Month Rainfall(mm),Total Rainfall(mm),Wind 
> Level(bft),Gust Level(bft),lightmeter(lux),UV
>     #1,16-02-2017 
> 09:00,10,57,28.8,64,26.2,993.1,2.5,5.0,NW,1012.0,18.9,26.2,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.9,654.0,1,1,86352.0,0
>     #2,16-02-2017 
> 13:46,10,57,28.4,64,26.5,993.0,5.0,8.6,N,1010.6,19.2,26.5,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.9,654.0,1,2,148704.0,0
>     #3,16-02-2017 
> 13:56,10,57,28.4,57,28.7,992.9,1.1,3.6,N,1010.5,19.4,28.7,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.9,654.0,1,1,96896.0,0
>     [[FieldMap]]
>         dateTime    = Time
>         usUnits     =
>         interval    = Interval(mi), minute
>         barometer   = Relative Pressure(hPa), hPa
>         pressure    = Absolute Pressure(hPa), hPa
>         altimeter   =
>         inTemp      = Indoor Temperature(°C), degree_C
>         outTemp     = Outdoor Temperature(°C), degree_C
>         inHumidity  = Indoor Humidity(%), percent
>         outHumidity = Outdoor Humidity(%), percent
>         windSpeed   = Wind(km/h), km_per_hour
>         windDir     =
>         windGust    = Gust(km/h), km_per_hour
>         windGustDir =
>         rainRate    =
>         rain        = Total Rainfall(mm), mm
>         dewpoint    = Dewpoint(°C), degree_C
>         windchill   = Windchill(°C), degree_C
>         heatindex   =
>         ET          =
>         radiation   =
>         UV          = UV, uv_index
> and got the following result (failure):
> wee_import --import-config=/home/maxg/wwimport/csv.conf --dry-run
> Starting wee_import...
> A CSV import from source file '/home/maxg/wwimport/test4import.txt' has 
> been requested.
> Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
> 'weewx.sdb'
> Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
> Missing derived observations will be calculated.
> This is a dry run, imported data will not be saved to archive.
> **** Unable to parse source-to-weewx field map.
> **** No mapping specified in '/home/maxg/wwimport/csv.conf' for field 
> 'dateTime'.
> **** Nothing done, exiting.
> then I thought, you might be using the latest versions... so I upgraded to 
> 3.7, and get this (success):
> # [2017-03-16 11:02] maxg@rpi1b ~ $
> wee_import --import-config=/home/maxg/wwimport/csv.conf --dry-run
> Starting wee_import...
> A CSV import from source file '/home/maxg/wwimport/test4import.txt' has 
> been requested.
> Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
> 'weewx.sdb'
> Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
> Missing derived observations will be calculated.
> This is a dry run, imported data will not be saved to archive.
> Starting dry run import ...
> 3 records identified for import.
> Records processed: 3; Unique records: 3; Last timestamp: 2017-02-16 13:56:
> 00 AEST (1487217360)
> Finished dry run import. 3 records were processed and 3 unique records 
> would have been imported.

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