Hi Mike,

Nice solution! 

The problem is as follows. Because the vantage logger has neither UTC time 
stamps nor DST flags it can't make a distiction between a time stamp in 
wintertime and in summertime.
The vantage driver hast to convert the logger time stamp to UTC and makes 
an assumption about being summertime or not. This will be based upon the 
server time stamp and DST flag
At the start of a new archive interval the vantage driver asks the logger 
for all records newer than its last registrated record in the database. 
Because of the miscommunication summer-wintertime time stamps the logger 
thinks it has no such record in its database and offers the vantage driver 
all records starting with the eldest record. (Note: the logger thinks the 
vantage driver asks for time stamps 02:00, 02:05, which are not in the 
loggers memory because it has instead time stamps of 03:00, 03:05 etc)
On its turn the vantage driver takes a conclusion that no record has to be 
retrieved and no record is stored in the weewx database.
The next archive period the same story starts all over. This will repeat 
until all logger data will be overwritten (this will take 4 days with 
5-minute registrations).  

We have found the following solutions so far:

   - clear the logger memory
   - wait until the logger memory has overwritten all data with time stamps 
   before start summertime
   - don't let the vantage driver store the logger data between start 
   summertime and start summertime + 3600 s
   - dump all logger data to the weewx database
   - (not tested and NOT reccommended) change the time stamp of the newest 
   weewx record to time stamp+3600


On Sunday, 26 March 2017 08:06:09 UTC-3, Mike Revitt wrote:
> And I can confirm all fixed

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