On Friday, September 22, 2017 at 9:25:58 PM UTC-5, Tom Keffer wrote:
> Sorry. The WLIP logger is a common nickname for the Davis "WeatherLink IP 
> logger".  Like this 
> <https://www.davisnet.com/product/weatherlinkip-for-vantage-stations/>.
I'm officially embarrassed - apparently I was more tired last night than I 
realized. Before calling it a night I decided to Google "Vantage logger" 
and realized my mistake about the time your followup post arrived (and yes, 
that's what I have).  My first thought had been "Hmmm... must be some type 
of Linux logging tool I'm not familiar with".  Anyway, this morning I made 
the modification you suggested and it worked perfectly.  Upon reboot, the 
connection still could not be opened, however this time the error message 
was replaced with one that said it was waiting 60 seconds and would try 
again.  The second time around, it connected with no problems.  Many thanks 
for your help on resolving this.


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