I noticed this in my stations weewx.log

Oct 1 17:50:15 webserver weewx[10004]: restx: StationRegistry: Failed to 
publish record 2017-10-01 17:50:00 EDT (1506894600): FAIL: execute failed: 
database disk image is malformed

Because the error referred to a database disk image being malformed , I 
thought it was referring to my local Sqlite weewx.sdb. After researching on 
SqLite database corruption issues, I learned how this sometimes happens 
especial on SD cards such as used with the PI and on SSD drives. Because I 
am running on a SSD drive I went though the steps of doing a .dump to a 
file, then recreated the database from the backup file. When I opened the 
“new” database with sqlite3 tool I checked it’s integrity with PRAGMA 
integrity_check. The integrity_check pragma looks for out-of-order records, 
missing pages, malformed records, missing index entries, and UNIQUE, CHECK, 
and NOT NULL constraint errors.

It returned OK, so it thinks the database is fine.

Moved the “new database” back into place , ran the checks that wee-data 
base provides , did a rebuild-daily and restated weewx, and got the same 
StationRegistry: Failed to publish error.

The more I look at this issue I am starting to believe that it’s not a 
issue with my local weewx.sdb at all, but rather an issue with the Station 
Registry database on THE WEEWX SERVER.

I believe the error is actually a server reply from register.cgi on the 
weewx.com server.

Most likely from here:

$rc = 

if(!$rc) {

my $msg = 'execute failed: ' . $DBI::errstr;


return ('FAIL', $msg, \%rec);


Also it’s very interesting to note that no North America station have been 
updated after Fri, 29 Sep 2017 10:56:51 GMT.

So my WILD SPECULATION is that the weewx.com site maybe run on at least a 
couple of servers, and EUROPE may be OK, but North America has a bad 
Station Registry database?



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