Well, so much for that theory.   About 7:35p it crashed again.  But 
unplugging the device that generates that data has allowed it to run 
normally again.  However, based on your response the last record in this 
output would be the culprit then correct?  If my count is correct, both sum 
and wsum would be considered None when the accumulator is initialized.  Any 
idea what could cause this behavior?

sqlite> select * from archive_day_extraTemp3 where datetime >= 1510640000;

sqlite> select dateTime, inTemp, extraTemp3 from archive where datetime >= 

A f thought:  

In my driver if the correct data is not supplied, None is sent to 
event.record, is this correct, or should it simply not be called in that 
Snippit from my current driver:
for sensor in self.sensors:
                        if sensor != 'mac':
#                            print "DB Entry: " + self.sensors[sensor]
                                value = esp_records[sensor]
                            except KeyError:
                                value = None

#                            print "Value: " + str(value)
                            event.record[self.sensors[sensor]] = value

I never modify the database without going through weewx, unless I am 
purging old data, so it shouldn't be an issue, but you never know.

Thanks Gary

On Saturday, November 18, 2017 at 8:39:03 PM UTC-7, gjr80 wrote:
> Yep, that could explain the symptoms. The accumulator for a given day and 
> for a given observation is at times initialised from that particular day 
> from that particular observation's daily summary table. If the sum field of 
> the day and daily summary concerned was None instead of a numeric then the 
> sum field of that accumulator would be initialised with None instead of 0.0 
> and you would see the symptoms you experienced. Rebuilding the daily 
> summaries would fix such a problem. It will be interesting to see if the 
> same issue comes back, certainly if you were making changes to the database 
> schema there is potential for a hiccup to occur, if you are relying on 
> weeWX to handle all database interraction then such a hiccup should never 
> occur.
> Gary

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