Ah - not quite true Gary.  The stock messages for added archive record were 
what highlighted my problem in the first place.  As I have installed via 
setup.py, I copied the script to /etc/logwatch - and this copy is not 
updated in the upgrade.  Maybe I should have 'installed' the script a 
different way originally and not copied the script to /etc/logwatch as I 
was instructed to do at the time when I first installed logwatch many moons 
ago!!  If I change to a symlink in /etc/logwatch/scripts/services pointing 
to /home/weewx/util/logwatch/scripts/services does this mean that the new 
script is automagically picked up each upgrade?? 
Right - have changed to a symlink back to 
/home/weewx/util/logwatch/scripts/services/weewx - but now I assume that 
when there is a new upgrade the update will overwrite the util directory, 
and so I will lose my changes - correct??

On Sunday, 26 November 2017 13:26:19 UTC+2, gjr80 wrote:

> So I guess the issue is making sure there is a means of users being able 
> to customise the logwatch script such that the user customisations are 
> retained across upgrades and at the same time the stock logwatch script is 
> upgraded as required during an upgrade. At the moment users that use the 
> stock logwatch script should not experience any problems across upgrades.
> Gary

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