Andrew Milner <> writes:

> I ask the question because whenever I put the heating on I see a change to 
> the barometer readings on my graphs which implies to me that the pressure 
> is changed (it appears to fall as the temperature rises).  My console is 

This seems like a sign of trouble.  I see no effect on pressure readings
due to inside temperature changes or heating system on/off (with a
Vantage Pro 2), and I wouldn't expect any.  (I just looked at last
night's data, and the heating system behavior is obvious from inside

> 2/3 up the wall (too high to even read, but good for sensor reception!) and 
> so warms quite rapidly as the hot air from the heating rises making the 
> pressure change quite noticeable.  I have always put it down to being a 
> quirk of FineOffset and have ignored barometer changes which appeared to be 

That is a good theory :-)

> indoor temperature change related. However the variation does lead on to my 
> conclusions re compensating indoor pressure readings to match outdoor 
> temperatures.  Maybe I need to investigate this more and try and correlate 
> 'pressure' to indoor temperature directly .......  I suspect it may be 
> related to temperature differentials between temperature inside the 
> pressure sensor and temperature outside the sensor ie if the temperature is 
> uniform all is fine but when there is a difference the pressure reading is 
> erroneous

There are two things to understand about your situation.

One is if the inside pressure and the outside pressure are actually
different.  This seems very unlikely.  Surely someone on this list has
set up pressure sensors in and out and compared them - hopefully they'll
admit to that and share results :-)

The other is which device is doing the reduction to sea level pressure
and if it is doing it correctly.  This is about the weight of the air
and is related to the outside temperature only.  It seems this is done
by weewx.,-pressure,-and-altimeter

So I don't understand why you are having trouble.  I would look at the
raw station pressure data.  If that is changing correlated with the
heating system, then either it really is changing or your station is
behaving funny.

It might help to post graphs of computed baromtric pressure and inside
and outside temperate, along with barometric presssure reported by a
nearby station.

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