Louis - thanks for restoring my sanity!!  Yes, it is a FineOffset which I 
have got.  In the summer I see the issue when I turn the AC on and in 
winter when I light the kerosene stoves!!  So, it's a faulty station design 
- which was, I will admit, a conclusion I was coming to following Tom's 
patient answer.  I suspect the issue is that the sensor is not insulated 
well enough - but if the same sensor is used for temperature - which would 
not require the same insulation - the issue is unresolvable!!  Maybe I will 
try and get a separate pressure gauge and take readings from that instead!!

On Sunday, 14 January 2018 21:35:33 UTC+2, Louis De Lange wrote:
> As a previous owner of a Fine Offset station I can confirm that I noticed 
> this same behavior.  Living in Canada where our homes are heated, I could 
> clearly see the altimeter reading (my station did not support barometer 
> correction to sea level) seesaw with the furnace operating and shutting 
> down.  
> Reading up on the issue it appeared that the Fine Offset hardware was 
> doing a temperature correction internal to the indoor unit, but that quick 
> changes to the indoor temperature threw the reading off.  There is no way 
> that you can correct for that with calibration - it is a flaw in the 
> hardware.  
> This and other quirks in the Fine Offset hardware eventually drove me to 
> buy a Vantage Pro and be done with it.  If you are a stickler for accuracy 
> you will save yourself o lot of frustration by getting a Vantage Pro
> On Sunday, 14 January 2018 07:17:31 UTC-8, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> Andrew Milner <andrew.s...@gmail.com> writes: 
>> > I ask the question because whenever I put the heating on I see a change 
>> to 
>> > the barometer readings on my graphs which implies to me that the 
>> pressure 
>> > is changed (it appears to fall as the temperature rises).  My console 
>> is 
>> This seems like a sign of trouble.  I see no effect on pressure readings 
>> due to inside temperature changes or heating system on/off (with a 
>> Vantage Pro 2), and I wouldn't expect any.  (I just looked at last 
>> night's data, and the heating system behavior is obvious from inside 
>> temperature.) 
>> > 2/3 up the wall (too high to even read, but good for sensor reception!) 
>> and 
>> > so warms quite rapidly as the hot air from the heating rises making the 
>> > pressure change quite noticeable.  I have always put it down to being a 
>> > quirk of FineOffset and have ignored barometer changes which appeared 
>> to be 
>> That is a good theory :-) 
>> > indoor temperature change related. However the variation does lead on 
>> to my 
>> > conclusions re compensating indoor pressure readings to match outdoor 
>> > temperatures.  Maybe I need to investigate this more and try and 
>> correlate 
>> > 'pressure' to indoor temperature directly .......  I suspect it may be 
>> > related to temperature differentials between temperature inside the 
>> > pressure sensor and temperature outside the sensor ie if the 
>> temperature is 
>> > uniform all is fine but when there is a difference the pressure reading 
>> is 
>> > erroneous 
>> There are two things to understand about your situation. 
>> One is if the inside pressure and the outside pressure are actually 
>> different.  This seems very unlikely.  Surely someone on this list has 
>> set up pressure sensors in and out and compared them - hopefully they'll 
>> admit to that and share results :-) 
>> The other is which device is doing the reduction to sea level pressure 
>> and if it is doing it correctly.  This is about the weight of the air 
>> and is related to the outside temperature only.  It seems this is done 
>> by weewx. 
>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/Barometer,-pressure,-and-altimeter 
>> So I don't understand why you are having trouble.  I would look at the 
>> raw station pressure data.  If that is changing correlated with the 
>> heating system, then either it really is changing or your station is 
>> behaving funny. 
>> It might help to post graphs of computed baromtric pressure and inside 
>> and outside temperate, along with barometric presssure reported by a 
>> nearby station. 

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