On Thursday, 18 January 2018 13:05:43 UTC+10, Joe Percival wrote:
> Thanks.  It is sounding like my best, if not only, option is to trash the 
> current database and to start over after modifying my service to record 
> snow depth in inches and change the.

Maybe, maybe not. Any data you are recording now (or will record until 
changeover to the modified service) is merely in the wrong units and is 
easily fixed with a little SQL - snow_depth = snow_depth / 25.4. You could 
let it keep running as is, that way you continue to record data. Modify 
your service as required at your leisure and when you are able to implement 
your changes stop weeWX, put the new service in place, run a couple of SQL 
update queries on your snow db to (1) change usUnits to US and (2) convert 
all you snow measurements from mm to inches then start weeWx with your 
modified service. You can easily fine tune/practise the SQL on a copy of 
your db and you should be able to test your service as well before the big 
bang. Of course if you have no snow data then maybe it is easiest to just 
start afresh.


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