
No veo errores al iniciar, pero veo esto:

eb 04 19:08:18 meteomontaos systemd[1]: Starting LSB: weewx weather 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17140]: engine: Initializing weewx 
version 3.8.0
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17140]: engine: Using Python 2.7.9 
(default, Sep 17 2016, 20:26:04) 
                                           [GCC 4.9.2]
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17140]: engine: Platform 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17140]: engine: Locale is 'en_US.UTF-8'
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17140]: engine: pid file is 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17130]: Starting weewx weather system: 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos systemd[1]: Started LSB: weewx weather system.
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos sudo[17109]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session 
closed for user root
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Using configuration file 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: debug is 1
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Initializing engine
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading station type 
WMR300 (weewx.drivers.wmr300)
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: driver version is 0.18
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: usb info: 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: sensor map is 
{'outHumidity': 'humidity_1', 'extraDewpoint6': 'dewpoint_7', 'windchill': 
'windchill', 'extraDewpoint4': 'dewpoint_5', 'rainRate': 'rain_rate', 
'heatindex': 'heatindex_1', 'inTemp': 'temperature_0', 'windGustDir': 
'wind_gust_dir', 'extraDewpoint2': 'dewpoint_3', 'extraDewpoint3': 
'dewpoint_4', 'extraDewpoint1': 'dewpoint_2', 'barometer': 'barometer', 
'extraDewpoint7': 'dewpoint_8', 'dewpoint': 'dewpoint_1', 'extraDewpoint5': 
'dewpoint_6', 'extraHumid6': 'humidity_7', 'pressure': 'pressure', 
'extraHumid4': 'humidity_5', 'extraHumid5': 'humidity_6', 'extraHumid2': 
'humidity_3', 'extraHumid3': 'humidity_4', 'extraHumid1': 'humidity_2', 
'extraTemp6': 'temperature_7', 'extraTemp7': 'temperature_8', 'extraTemp4': 
'temperature_5', 'extraTemp5': 'temperature_6', 'extraTemp2': 
'temperature_3', 'extraTemp3': 'temperature_4', 'extraTemp1': 
'temperature_2', 'extraHeatindex3': 'heatindex_4', 'extraHeatindex2': 
'heatindex_3', 'extraHeatindex1': 'heatindex_2', 'extraHeatindex7': 
'heatindex_8', 'extraHeatindex6': 'heatindex_7', 'extraHeatindex5': 
'heatindex_6', 'extraHumid7': 'humidity_8', 'extraHeatindex4': 
'heatindex_5', 'windDir': 'wind_dir', 'outTemp': 'temperature_1', 
'windSpeed': 'wind_avg', 'inHumidity': 'humidity_0', 'windGust': 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: Found station at bus=001 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos kernel: usb 1-1.5: reset full-speed USB device 
number 4 using dwc_otg
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: StdConvert target unit 
is 0x10
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:20 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wxcalculate: The following 
values will be calculated: barometer=prefer_hardware, 
windchill=prefer_hardware, dewpoint=prefer_hardware, 
appTemp=prefer_hardware, rainRate=prefer_hardware, windrun=prefer_hardware, 
heatindex=prefer_hardware, maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, 
humidex=prefer_hardware, pressure=prefer_hardware, 
inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, altimeter=prefer_hardware, 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wxcalculate: The following 
algorithms will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaNOAA, maxSolarRad=RS
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Archive will use data 
binding wx_binding
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Record generation will 
be attempted in 'hardware'
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Using archive interval 
of 300 seconds (specified in weewx configuration)
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Use LOOP data in hi/low 
calculations: 1
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: manager: Daily summary version 
is 2.0
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Using binding 
'wx_binding' to database 'weewx.sdb'
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: manager: Starting backfill of 
daily summaries
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: restx: StationRegistry: Station 
will be registered.
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Data 
for station IGALICIA47 will be posted
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: restx: PWSWeather: Data for 
station MONTAOS will be posted
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: restx: CWOP: Posting not enabled.
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: restx: WOW: Posting not enabled.
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: restx: AWEKAS: Data will be 
uploaded for user juanantonio
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Finished loading service 
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Starting up weewx 
version 3.8.0
*Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Station does not 
support reading the time*
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: reading records since 
2018-02-04 18:30:00 CET (1517765400)
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: manager: Daily summary version 
is 2.0
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
0 (00)
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: initiate record request: 
0 (00)
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: manager: Daily summary version 
is 2.0
Feb 04 19:08:21 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: manager: Daily summary version 
is 2.0
Feb 04 19:08:22 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: catchup in progress: 
count=0 last_index=0 latest_index=32736
Feb 04 19:08:22 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: initiate record request: 
0 (00)
Feb 04 19:08:22 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request records starting 
with 32
Feb 04 19:08:41 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
5242 (7a)
Feb 04 19:08:42 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
5242 (7a)
Feb 04 19:08:42 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
5243 (7b)
Feb 04 19:08:42 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
5243 (7b)
Feb 04 19:08:42 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
5243 (7b)
Feb 04 19:08:42 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
5243 (7b)
Feb 04 19:08:42 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: catchup in progress: 
count=0 last_index=5243 latest_index=32736
Feb 04 19:09:02 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
10467 (e3)
Feb 04 19:09:02 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
10468 (e4)
Feb 04 19:09:02 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
10468 (e4)
Feb 04 19:09:02 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
10468 (e4)
Feb 04 19:09:02 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
10468 (e4)
Feb 04 19:09:03 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: catchup in progress: 
count=0 last_index=10496 latest_index=32736
Feb 04 19:09:22 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: initiate record request: 
15465 (69)
Feb 04 19:09:22 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request records starting 
with 15503
Feb 04 19:09:23 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
15636 (14)
Feb 04 19:09:23 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: catchup in progress: 
count=0 last_index=15664 latest_index=32736
Feb 04 19:09:43 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
20891 (9b)
Feb 04 19:09:43 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
20892 (9c)
Feb 04 19:09:43 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
20892 (9c)
Feb 04 19:09:43 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
20893 (9d)
Feb 04 19:09:43 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
20893 (9d)
Feb 04 19:09:44 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: catchup in progress: 
count=0 last_index=21061 latest_index=32736
Feb 04 19:10:03 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
26133 (15)
Feb 04 19:10:03 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
26133 (15)
Feb 04 19:10:03 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
26134 (16)
Feb 04 19:10:03 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
26134 (16)
Feb 04 19:10:03 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
26135 (17)
Feb 04 19:10:04 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: catchup in progress: 
count=0 last_index=26172 latest_index=32736
Feb 04 19:10:22 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: initiate record request: 
30898 (b2)
Feb 04 19:10:22 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: initiate record request: 
30898 (b2)
Feb 04 19:10:22 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: initiate record request: 
30899 (b3)
Feb 04 19:10:22 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: initiate record request: 
30899 (b3)
Feb 04 19:10:22 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request records starting 
with 30917
Feb 04 19:10:23 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
31297 (41)
Feb 04 19:10:24 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
31298 (42)
Feb 04 19:10:24 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
31298 (42)
Feb 04 19:10:24 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
31299 (43)
Feb 04 19:10:24 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
31299 (43)
Feb 04 19:10:24 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
31299 (43)
Feb 04 19:10:24 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: catchup in progress: 
count=0 last_index=31299 latest_index=32736
Feb 04 19:10:44 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
32735 (df)
Feb 04 19:10:44 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
32735 (df)
Feb 04 19:10:44 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
32735 (df)
Feb 04 19:10:44 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
32735 (df)
Feb 04 19:10:44 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: request station status: 
32735 (df)
Feb 04 19:10:45 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: catchup complete: 
count=0 last_index=32735 latest_index=32736
Feb 04 19:10:45 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: engine: Starting main packet 
Feb 04 19:10:46 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: possible missed rain 
event: new=22.86 old=None
Feb 04 19:10:46 meteomontaos weewx[17144]: wmr300: rain=None 
rain_total=22.86 last_rain=None

¿tengo algo mal configurado en el driver?, no veo errores.

El domingo, 4 de febrero de 2018, 18:38:13 (UTC+1), Andrew Milner escribió:
> if the data is still in the logger then you should be able to do something 
> like:
> a) stop weewx
> b) make a copy of the database
> c) make sure rpi has the correct date and time and timezone
> d) delete all data in the database from say 01 feb
> e) drop daily and rebuild daily summaries
> f) restart weewx and it should download data records from after last 
> record in database from the station.  It may take a long time to read the 
> records.  The log should say what is happening if there are errors
> If you have problems attach the log to your post
> On Sunday, 4 February 2018 19:27:47 UTC+2, Juan Antonio Mosquera wrote:
>> Los datos no están en la base de datos.
>> Con la estación anterior (watson) y versiones anteriores de weewx, al 
>> reiniciar weewx, el sistema recuperaba los datos que no habían sido 
>> registrados por alguna caída de weewx o de la raspberry.
>> Yo quiero que weewx revise los datos de la WMR300 y guarde en BBDD los 
>> datos que no ha registrado. Es posible?
>> Gracias.
>> El domingo, 4 de febrero de 2018, 17:19:43 (UTC+1), Andrew Milner 
>> escribió:
>>> Is it the NOAA report that has no data for 03 feb - or does the database 
>>> have no data for 03 feb??
>>> To regenerate the noaa report just delete it and it will be generated 
>>> again on the next report cycle - if the data is in the database.
>>> If weewx did not restart/recover correctly then you need to give us the 
>>> logs for the restart to be able to help.
>>> On Sunday, 4 February 2018 18:10:13 UTC+2, Juan Antonio Mosquera wrote:
>>>> Ya había leído eso, pero antes con la estación Watson esto no pasaba.
>>>> Ahora si la estación queda sin internet o se apaga, al reiniciar no 
>>>> recupera de la estación WMR300 los datos que no se subieron, no 
>>>> sincroniza, 
>>>> ejemplo:
>>>> day 3 Feb.... no se sincroniza con los datos de la estación.
>>>> Saludos y gracias.
>>>> El viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018, 6:03:25 (UTC+1), Andrew Milner 
>>>> escribió:
>>>>> Have you read this:
>>>>> On Thursday, 1 February 2018 23:04:33 UTC+2, Juan Antonio Mosquera 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Ok Tom, en cuanto pueda se lo envio, muchas gracias
>>>>>> El jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018, 22:03:01 (UTC+1), Tom Keffer 
>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>> necesitaríamos ver el registro del sistema.
>>>>>>> -tk
>>>>>>> 2018-02-01 13:57 GMT-07:00 Juan Antonio Mosquera <
>>>>>>>> Buenas noches,
>>>>>>>> Voy a permitirme hablar en espanhol para explicarme bien.
>>>>>>>> Tengo un problema, cuando reinicio raspberry pi b+ weewx + wmr300 
>>>>>>>> las graficas que crea weewx muestran un intervalo de tiempo sin 
>>>>>>>> medida, 
>>>>>>>> parece como si hubiera un problema de hora, y al reiniciar se setee 
>>>>>>>> una 
>>>>>>>> hora distinta a la actual, aunqeu al revisar la hora ( con date) 
>>>>>>>> parece 
>>>>>>>> correcta.
>>>>>>>> alguna idea?
>>>>>>>> Saludos y gracias
>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>>>>>>> Groups "weewx-user" group.
>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>>>>>>>> send an email to
>>>>>>>> For more options, visit

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