Hi Tom
thank you for the fast reply.
I added your code to my report, but it summarisez all stored values from a 
day, not the last value.
I have to clarify that the logger of the solar panel gives everytime it is 
polled the sum of the daily solar production.
The modification of your code, like this:

#for $day in $week.days
<p>The energy production for $day.dateTime is $day.electric_ed.sum</p>

     <p>The energy production for $day.dateTime is $day.electric_ed.last</p>

#end for

gives the following output:

The energy production for 00:00 is 2777070.68 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 4105.47 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 1814408.75 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 2380.86 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 2188879.96 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 3105.47 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 2349953.71 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 3298.83 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 3153128.84 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 4515.62 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 112733.52 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is 1305.66 Wh

The energy production for 00:00 is N/A

The energy production for 00:00 is N/A

there I have two issues:

1. for today I get N/A and all other results are one day shiftet, means the 
value of 1305.66 is actual production of today,  4515.62 is from yesterday

2. I need the sum for the last seven days, which is the sum of 

3. Question by the way, why is $day.dateTime alway 00:00

Kind regards

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