On 28 April 2018 at 02:20, gjr80 <gjroder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh, and your old data if you have any.
> Gary
> On Saturday, 28 April 2018 11:11:20 UTC+10, gjr80 wrote:
>> If it were me I would do a fresh install (as you have) and then copy over
>> any 'skins' directories you have modified, reinstall any extensions/add-ons
>> and maybe do a final diff on your new weewx.conf against your old
>> weewx.conf to see if there is anything you may have missed. No point
>> copying public_html, its all weeWX generated and any old files can only
>> muddy the waters if you need to troubleshoot an issue. If you have added
>> any other custom code it might also be worthwhile looking in $BIN/user to
>> see if there is anything else that was there that is not now.
>> Gary
>> On Friday, 27 April 2018 22:50:21 UTC+10, Cycle London wrote:
>>> So what do I copy over from my Raspberry Pi tarball?
>>> Aside from 'skins', 'weewx.conf', 'public_html' etc ...

Well, it took a couple of days, what with work .. and with idiotically
locking myself out of my new VM by changing the ssh port before I was sure
I could login on another session.  Not done a newbie error like that in
 while.  :-P

Anyway, I have a CentOS 7 VM sitting ready to rock.

I install the prerequisites, and then grab weewx v. 3.8.0.  Untar it, and
run ./setup.py build and then install it.

I install the start-up scripts into /etc/init.d even though it's CentOS 7
and thus systemd.  Why they 'fixed' something that wasn't broken, I have no
idea.  But that's another story.

I remember from the last time I installed this, there are issues with the
wmr300 driver, so I delve into my old e-mails from you guys, and get the
appropriate driver -

[root@weather bin]# ./wee_config --list-drivers
Module name              Driver name    Version  Status
  weewx.drivers.acurite    AcuRite        0.24
  weewx.drivers.cc3000     CC3000         0.16
  weewx.drivers.fousb      FineOffsetUSB  1.9
  weewx.drivers.simulator  Simulator      3.0
  weewx.drivers.te923      TE923          0.24
  weewx.drivers.ultimeter  Ultimeter      0.18
  weewx.drivers.vantage    Vantage        3.0.10
  weewx.drivers.wmr100     WMR100         3.3.3
  weewx.drivers.wmr200     WMR200         3.3.4
  weewx.drivers.wmr300     WMR300         0.19rc6
  weewx.drivers.wmr9x8     WMR9x8         3.2.2
  weewx.drivers.ws1        WS1            0.25
  weewx.drivers.ws23xx     WS23xx         0.26rc1
  weewx.drivers.ws28xx     WS28xx         0.35

I think my issue comes from the use of the dot (or 'period') as a directory
separator, because I am so used to the slash.

[root@weather bin]# grep wmr300 /home/weewx/weewx.conf
    driver = bin.weewx.drivers.wmr300

The driver...

[root@weather drivers]# pwd && ls -l wmr300*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 63025 May  2 10:00 wmr300.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 56413 May  2 10:01 wmr300.pyc

Yet when I fire her up...

May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx: Starting weewx: [  OK  ]
May  2 10:14:38 weather systemd: Started SYSV: start and stop the weewx
weather system.
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]: engine: Using configuration file
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]: engine: Loading station type WMR300
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]: engine: Caught unrecoverable exception
in engine:
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]:    ****  No module named
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]:    ****  Traceback (most recent call
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]:    ****    File
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 865, in main
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]:    ****      engine =
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]:    ****    File
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 71, in __init__
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]:    ****
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]:    ****    File
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 95, in setupStation
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]:    ****      __import__(driver)
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]:    ****  ImportError: No module named
May  2 10:14:38 weather weewx[2456]:    ****  Exiting.

So the problem is either in the weewx.conf or in the placement of the py
file.  I suspect the former.  But I get the same error if the weewx.conf
file has the driver as ..

driver = bin.weewx.drivers.wmr300

... or as ..

driver = weewx.drivers.wmr300

... or as  ...

driver = weewx.drivers.wmr300

... or as  ...

driver = drivers.wmr300

... or as ...

driver = drivers.wmr300

... or even as ...

driver = wmr300

Is there any particular reason why the driver location can't be defined at
the top of the config file much the same as..

WEEWX_ROOT = /home/weewx

.. and then all directories come by definition under that?   I would then
expect ..

driver = bin.weewx.drivers.wmr300

... to work.   But it doesn't.

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