/*As per instructions, I did (copy/paste the commands)*/

    Quick install:
    wget https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown/archive/weewx-belchertown-0.6.tar.gz
    Then run
    sudo wee_extension --install weewx-belchertown-0.6.tar.gz

/*in Belchertown/skin.conf, the pertinent lines are

*/    forecast_enabled = 0
    darksky_secret_key = "wouldn't you like to know"
     earthquake_enabled = 0/*

and in weewx.conf I have

*/ [[[Extras]]]
        forecast_enabled = 1
        darksky_secret_key = "not gonna tell you here either"
        earthquake_enabled = 1/*

then I tried both restarting and stop/restarting weewx. The time is corrected on the graphs but there is still no forecast or earthquake info displayed. The pertinent syslog info is*/

Aug 30 14:35:08 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: acurite: next read in 18 seconds
Aug 30 14:35:26 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: acurite: Found station at bus=002 device=011 Aug 30 14:35:26 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: manager: Added record 2018-08-30 14:35:00 CDT (1535657700) to database 'weewx.sdb' Aug 30 14:35:26 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: manager: Added record 2018-08-30 14:35:00 CDT (1535657700) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb' Aug 30 14:35:26 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: restx: StationRegistry: wait interval (2400 < 604800) has not passed for record 2018-08-30 14:35:00 CDT (1535657700) Aug 30 14:35:26 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: reportengine: Running reports for latest time in the database. Aug 30 14:35:27 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: reportengine: Running report StandardReport Aug 30 14:35:27 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: acurite: Found station at bus=002 device=011 Aug 30 14:35:27 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Belchertown/skin.conf for report StandardReport Aug 30 14:35:27 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: cheetahgenerator: using search list ['weewx.cheetahgenerator.Almanac', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Station', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Current', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Stats', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.UnitInfo', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Extras', 'user.belchertown.getData', 'user.belchertown.getForecast', 'user.belchertown.getEarthquake', 'user.belchertown_highchartsSearchX.highchartsDay', 'user.belchertown_highchartsSearchX.highchartsWeek', 'user.belchertown_highchartsSearchX.highchartsMonth', 'user.belchertown_highchartsSearchX.highchartsYear']
Aug 30 14:35:27 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: acurite: next read in 18 seconds
Aug 30 14:35:27 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 30 14:35:27 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: restx: CWOP: Connected to server cwop.aprs.net:14580 Aug 30 14:35:27 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: restx: CWOP: Published record 2018-08-30 14:35:00 CDT (1535657700) Aug 30 14:35:27 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: restx: PWSWeather: Published record 2018-08-30 14:35:00 CDT (1535657700) Aug 30 14:35:27 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: restx: Wunderground-PWS: Published record 2018-08-30 14:35:00 CDT (1535657700) Aug 30 14:35:29 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: restx: WeatherCloud: Published record 2018-08-30 14:35:00 CDT (1535657700) Aug 30 14:35:31 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 16 files for report StandardReport in 4.44 seconds Aug 30 14:35:31 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: copygenerator: copied 1 files to /var/www/html/weewx Aug 30 14:35:31 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: reportengine: Running report Belchertown Aug 30 14:35:31 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Belchertown/skin.conf for report Belchertown Aug 30 14:35:31 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: cheetahgenerator: using search list ['weewx.cheetahgenerator.Almanac', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Station', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Current', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Stats', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.UnitInfo', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Extras', 'user.belchertown.getData', 'user.belchertown.getForecast', 'user.belchertown.getEarthquake', 'user.belchertown_highchartsSearchX.highchartsDay', 'user.belchertown_highchartsSearchX.highchartsWeek', 'user.belchertown_highchartsSearchX.highchartsMonth', 'user.belchertown_highchartsSearchX.highchartsYear']
Aug 30 14:35:31 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: manager: Daily summary version is 2.0
Aug 30 14:35:35 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 16 files for report Belchertown in 3.97 seconds Aug 30 14:35:35 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: copygenerator: copied 1 files to /var/www/html/weewx/belchertown
Aug 30 14:35:35 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: reportengine: Running report FTP
Aug 30 14:35:35 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Ftp/skin.conf for report FTP Aug 30 14:35:35 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Attempting connection to ftp.w0avq.org
Aug 30 14:35:36 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Connected to ftp.w0avq.org
Aug 30 14:35:37 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/style.css Aug 30 14:35:37 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/index.html Aug 30 14:35:37 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/graphs/index.html Aug 30 14:35:38 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/records/index.html Aug 30 14:35:38 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/NOAA/NOAA-2018-08.txt Aug 30 14:35:39 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/NOAA/NOAA-2018.txt Aug 30 14:35:39 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/json/weewx_data.json Aug 30 14:35:40 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/json/year.json Aug 30 14:35:40 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/json/week.json Aug 30 14:35:41 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/json/month.json Aug 30 14:35:41 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/json/day.json Aug 30 14:35:41 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Attempt #1. Failed uploading /weather/json/darksky_forecast.json to ftp.w0avq.org. Reason: 550 /weather/json/darksky_forecast.json: Not a regular file Aug 30 14:35:42 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Attempt #2. Failed uploading /weather/json/darksky_forecast.json to ftp.w0avq.org. Reason: 550 /weather/json/darksky_forecast.json: Not a regular file Aug 30 14:35:42 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Attempt #3. Failed uploading /weather/json/darksky_forecast.json to ftp.w0avq.org. Reason: 550 /weather/json/darksky_forecast.json: Not a regular file Aug 30 14:35:42 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Failed to upload file /weather/json/darksky_forecast.json Aug 30 14:35:42 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/reports/index.html Aug 30 14:35:43 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/about/index.html Aug 30 14:35:43 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/js/highcharts-dayplots.js Aug 30 14:35:44 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/js/highcharts-yearplots.js Aug 30 14:35:44 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/js/highcharts-monthplots.js Aug 30 14:35:45 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: acurite: Found station at bus=002 device=011 Aug 30 14:35:45 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/js/highcharts-weekplots.js
Aug 30 14:35:45 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: acurite: next read in 17 seconds
Aug 30 14:35:46 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/style.css Aug 30 14:35:46 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/index.html Aug 30 14:35:46 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/graphs/index.html Aug 30 14:35:47 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/records/index.html Aug 30 14:35:47 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/NOAA/NOAA-2018-08.txt Aug 30 14:35:48 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/NOAA/NOAA-2018.txt Aug 30 14:35:48 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/json/weewx_data.json Aug 30 14:35:49 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/json/year.json Aug 30 14:35:49 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/json/week.json Aug 30 14:35:50 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/json/month.json Aug 30 14:35:50 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/json/day.json Aug 30 14:35:50 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/reports/index.html Aug 30 14:35:51 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/about/index.html Aug 30 14:35:51 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/js/highcharts-dayplots.js Aug 30 14:35:52 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/js/highcharts-yearplots.js Aug 30 14:35:52 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/js/highcharts-monthplots.js Aug 30 14:35:53 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpupload: Uploaded file /weather/belchertown/js/highcharts-weekplots.js Aug 30 14:35:53 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: ftpgenerator: ftp'd 34 files in 17.64 seconds
Aug 30 14:35:53 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: reportengine: Running report RSYNC
Aug 30 14:35:53 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: reportengine: Found configuration file /etc/weewx/skins/Rsync/skin.conf for report RSYNC Aug 30 14:35:53 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: rsyncgenerator: rsync upload not requested. Skipped. Aug 30 14:36:02 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: acurite: Found station at bus=002 device=011
Aug 30 14:36:02 OptiPlex weewx[23053]: acurite: next read in 6 seconds

/*Wondering if I might have missed some obscure setting? I ask this because I have experienced failures because of a missing "." Also, is there a way to ensure that I am, in fact, operating on 0.6? If not, then an idea would be some way to include this info on the syslog readout for positive verification after any update. Also, as before, if forecast and earthquake are "activated" in the skin.conf file there are no updates either locally or on the website (the time on the displayed info stays unchanged from the restart)  but if left on "0" and "activated" via weewx.conf the info refreshes every cycle.*/

On 8/30/2018 1:15 PM, Pat wrote:
Version 0.6 is out which fixes a lot of items.

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*/John Clark <mailto:w0av...@gmail.com>/*

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