On Saturday, September 1, 2018 at 8:23:46 AM UTC-4, Jens-Jørgen Kjærgaard 
> I'm running weewx as root.
> I didn't think it had influence on the private keys - but obviously it has.
> So I have to create another key as root - or run weewx as my username?

ssh keys can be used by any user.

if you generated the ssh keys as user 'jens', you should have this:


you just need to tell weewx to use that identity file for rsync connections 
(by default, if you run rsync as root it will look for /root/.ssh/id_rsa 
and /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)

how does one tell rsync to use a specific certificate?

rsync -e "ssh -i /home/jens/.ssh/id_rsa" ...

but there is no mechanism in weewx to pass those additional arguments.  so 
use the ssh config file for the user who is running weewx (in this case, 
that means root):

in the file /root/.ssh/config do this:

Host nameofrsyncserver.com
  IdentityFile /home/jens/.ssh/id_rsa

so then any time you try to do anything that uses ssh (rsync, scp, ssh) to 
nameofrsyncserver.com, ssh will use the identity of jens to make the 

note that you can also generate ssh keys specifically for the weewx process 
or a weewx user, then use those to connect to your server.  that would be 
the safest thing to do, and run weewx as the weewx user.


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