Hi Pat,

I am mailing from laptop, weewx is on pi where as shown in earlier mail
timezone is all fine.

Timezone in gmail may be off because I may be having VPN connected on my


On Sat, 8 Sep 2018 at 19:32, Pat <p...@obrienphoto.net> wrote:

> Still don't think so. Still think it's something with your OS. What does
> "date" return on your command line?
> mosquitto_sub -h test.mosquitto.org -p 1883 -t weather/IBANGALO9/#
> {"windSpeed10_kph": "3.218688", "monthET": "0.0", "cloudbase_meter":
> "2008.76043818", "outHumidity": "59.0", "pressure_mbar": "912.856759593",
> "rain_cm": "0.0", "dayET": "0.0", "maxSolarRad": "0.0", "barometer_mbar":
> "1014.22325357", "yearRain_cm": "51.5366", "consBatteryVoltage_volt":
> "4.5", "dewpoint_C": "17.4591521287", "insideAlarm": "0.0", "inHumidity":
> "64.0", "sunrise": "1536367080.0", "windGust_kph": "8.04672",
> "heatindex_C": "26.1111111111", "dayRain_cm": "0.0", "stormRain_cm": "0.0"
> , "soilLeafAlarm2": "0.0", "outsideAlarm2": "0.0", "windSpeed_kph":
> "6.437376", "forecastRule": "45.0", "rainAlarm": "0.0", "altimeter_mbar":
> "1020.02413222", "windchill_C": "26.1111111111", "appTemp_C":
> "27.4269308042", "outTemp_C": "26.1111111111", "windGustDir": "266.0",
> "extraAlarm1": "0.0", "extraAlarm2": "0.0", "extraAlarm3": "0.0",
> "extraAlarm4": "0.0", "extraAlarm5": "0.0", "extraAlarm6": "0.0",
> "extraAlarm7": "0.0", "extraAlarm8": "0.0", "humidex_C": "31.722605671",
> "rain24_cm": "0.0", "hourRain_cm": "0.0", "inTemp_C": "27.5",
> "soilLeafAlarm4": "0.0", "trendIcon": "20.0", "forecastIcon": "6.0",
> "soilLeafAlarm3": "0.0", "usUnits": "16.0", "soilLeafAlarm1": "0.0",
> "leafWet4": "0.0", "yearET": "0.0", "txBatteryStatus": "0.0",
> "monthRain_cm": "0.0", "rainRate_cm_per_hour": "0.0", "dateTime":
> "1536415227.0", "windDir": "264.0", "outsideAlarm1": "0.0", "sunset":
> "1536411360.0", "inDewpoint_C": "20.0681723587"}
> I see your dateTime is 1536415227.0 in this published message.
> Converting that to human readable for me:
> GMT: Saturday, September 8, 2018 2:00:27 PM
> Your time zone: Saturday, September 8, 2018 10:00:27 AM GMT-04:00
> <https://www.epochconverter.com/timezones?q=1536415227> DST
> On Saturday, September 8, 2018 at 9:57:49 AM UTC-4, Praveen Chandrasekaran
> wrote:
>> Hi Pat,
>> Wondering if the time mismatch has anything to do with daylight savings
>> time? In India we dont have any daylight savings.
>> My MQTT broker is test.mosquitto.org and topic is weather/IBANGALO9. You
>> can check it if time there is fine.
>> Regards,
>> Praveen
>> On Sat, 8 Sep 2018 at 19:13, Praveen Chandrasekaran <pravee...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Pat,
>> On mqtt spy the time it shows is fine. However on weewx page it is
>> exactly half an hour behind. Will file issues for all.
>> Regards,
>> Praveen
>> On Sat, 8 Sep 2018 at 18:41, Pat <p...@obrienphoto.net> wrote:
>> Hi, this is not correct. The time comes from weewx's timestamp it
>> publishes to MQTT. Please log in to your broker with another client and you
>> can verify this. The skin just translate epoch to human readable.
>> You other issues - I'm losing track of - as mentioned in the latest 0.6
>> release notes <https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown/releases> -
>> please create an issue on GitHub
>> <https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown/issues>. This thread is 12
>> pages long now and I'm having a hard time keeping up.
>> 0.7 is coming right around the corner which is my priority to speed up
>> the highcharts generation time - but as I'm sure you'll appreciate - family
>> is a priority so I'm working on this during any spare time that I have.
>> Thank you
>> On Saturday, September 8, 2018 at 8:59:33 AM UTC-4, Praveen
>> Chandrasekaran wrote:
>> One more issue, with Mqtt enabled the time updated that it shows is 30
>> minutes behind. With archive only its fine.
>> The data is fine. Suspecting its just a time display issue.
>> On Sat, 8 Sep 2018, 16:34 Praveen Chandrasekaran, <pravee...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Seeing issues in records too in units. Makes me doubt if I picked the
>> latest version of the skin. Is 0.6 the latest version?
>> Largest Daily Temperature Range 26.7 °C May 14, 2018
>> (Min: 62.5 °C - Max: 89.2 °C ) May 14, 2018
>> (Min: 62.5 °C - Max: 89.2 °C ) 26.7 °C
>> Smallest Daily Temperature Range 5.6 °C January 17, 2018
>> (Min: 61.9 °C - Max: 67.5 °C ) January 17, 2018
>> (Min: 61.9 °C - Max: 67.5 °C ) 5.6 °C
>> On Sat, 8 Sep 2018 at 16:31, Praveen Chandrasekaran <pravee...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Rain is also in inches in all the charts. Colin's 41south page also seems
>> to have same issue though he is on metric. 61mm for the year in records but
>> the graphs dont correlate.
>> On Sat, 8 Sep 2018 at 16:20, Praveen Chandrasekaran <pravee...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> The rain charts seem to be off in monthly also. The units seem all
>> weird.  I believe for Colin everything is fine with metric. Not sure whats
>> going wrong for me.
>> On Sat, 8 Sep 2018 at 15:57, Andrew Milner <andrew.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ...
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