Hi Kevin,

No not quite. Just like $day gives aggregates since the start of the day, $hour 
provides aggregates from the start of the hour. So to use $hour you use exactly 
the same syntax as with $day eg:

$hour.rain.sum displays total rainfall since the top of the hour


$hour.windGust.max displays the highest windGust seen since the top of the hour 

On the other hand $span provides an aggregate over some time span, that time 
span can be 1 or more hours, 1 or more days etc. So using $span with 1 hour 
gives you aggregates over the last hour. The $span syntax is slightly different 
in that we need to specify how long the 'span' is. To to that we use the 
$hour_delta parameter (or the $day_delta or the $week_delta parameter etc). So 

$span($hour_delta=1).rain.sum displays the total rainfall over the last 1 hour


$span($hour_delta=1).windGust.max displays the highest windGust over the last 1 

$day, $hour etc also have a similar parameter (though not used as often); 
$xxxx_ago (where xxxx is day or hour etc) to give you an aggregate over the day 
before, the day before that, the hour before the current, the hour before that 
etc. $day, $hour and friends always start on a day or hour etc boundary whereas 
that is not necessarily the case with $span. Probably best explained in the 
Customization Guide (http://weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm) under the 
Customizing templates section 
(http://weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm#customizing_templates), should have 
pointed you there before but was on the mobile and typing much on the mobile is 
a pain (well for me anyway).


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