On Wednesday, December 26, 2018 at 5:19:35 PM UTC-8, gjr80 wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> On Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:19:11 UTC+10, Scott Grayban wrote:
>> I tried adding 1 at a time but it deletes the previous one. Certainly you 
>> should be able to add more then just 1 right ?
> Do you mean adding more than one field to your schema or more than one schema 
> = entry under [[wx_binding]]. I presume you mean the former, as the 
> latter is not allowed, configobj (which handles parsing of the weeWX .conf 
> files) only allows unique config option entries in a given stanza. So you 
> can't have two schema = entries under [[wx_binding]]. You can certainly 
> add more than one field at a time with a custom schema defined in a file.
> So we can work what is going wrong I suggest you give us the complete 
> picture by posting:
> 1. the contents of weewx.conf with any sensitive info (eg passwords, user 
> names etc) removed
> 2. the contents of the file (it should be 
> /home/weewx/bin/user/extensions.py or /usr/share/weewx/user/extensions.py 
> depending on your weeWX install type) containing the custom schema you are 
> specifying at the schema = entry under [[wx_binding]] in weewx.conf
> 3. a screen capture showing the exact commands you issue and the exact 
> responses received
> Please don't remove anything other than sensitive info, often a user may 
> post what they think is the critical piece of info from a command or config 
> file only to find that there is some other piece of critical info in the 
> command output or config file that we need to work out exactly what is 
> happening. Saves a lot of to'ing and fro'ing
> Gary

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