Thanks again for the help and a great program.




From: <> On Behalf Of 
Thomas Keffer
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2018 9:16 AM
To: weewx-user <>
Subject: Re: [weewx-user] ExtraTemp1


Glad to hear all is well.




On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 4:59 AM Tom < 
<> > wrote:

Thanks.  I just copied the indoor temp graphs (day, week, month, year) in 
skin.conf to new sections and renamed to extraTemp1 and added the png files to 
the a new src line in the various html templates.


The more I use this program the more I am appreciating its flexibility and I am 
far from being a programmer. 


Linux from the command line, like reading the database file, is one of the 
hardest challenges for me.


It is interesting that I used two different Sqlite programs, one on Windows and 
one on Mac, and they both showed missing data where the Linux command line 
query showed the data.  I thought it would be easier to just copy the database 
file to Windows or Mac and use a GUI program to look at the database instead of 
figuring out the Linux commands. 




From: <>  
< <> > On Behalf 
Of Andrew Milner
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2018 3:02 AM
To: weewx-user < 
<> >
Subject: Re: [weewx-user] ExtraTemp1


just include extratemp1 to either an existing graph or to a new one.


change generic labels to add extratmp1 = my new label for the label on the graph



On Sunday, 30 December 2018 05:21:58 UTC+2, 
<>  wrote:

Here is what sqlite3 shows.


sqlite> select datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), inTemp, 
inHumidity, extraTemp1, windSpeed, windGust from archive order by dateTime desc 
limit 10;

2018-12-29 20:13:00|75.3|47.0|53.0|0.0|1.0

2018-12-29 20:12:00|75.3|47.0|53.0|0.0|1.0

2018-12-29 20:11:00|75.3|47.0|53.0|1.0|2.0

2018-12-29 20:10:00|75.3|47.0|53.0|1.0|2.0

2018-12-29 20:09:00|75.3|47.0|53.0|0.0|1.0

2018-12-29 20:08:00|75.3|47.0|53.0|0.0|1.0

2018-12-29 20:07:00|75.3|47.0|53.0|0.0|1.0

2018-12-29 20:06:00|75.3|47.0|53.0|0.0|1.0

2018-12-29 20:05:00|75.3|47.0|53.0|0.0|0.0

2018-12-29 20:04:00|75.3|47.0|53.0|0.0|0.0


So if I’m reading this right the data is being recorded. Interesting I also 
used a program on my Mac and got the same results of the data not showing.


I modified the standard html templates and have the extraTemp1 data showing in 
the reports.  Now I need to figure out how to modify skin.conf to get the 
extraTemp1 data to show up on the graphs produced by weewx.


Thanks a lot for all the help.





From: <>  
< <> > On Behalf Of 
Thomas Keffer
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2018 8:12 PM
To: weewx-user < <> >
Subject: Re: [weewx-user] ExtraTemp1


That all looks normal.


Is there any reason you can't check the database on the machine which is 
running WeeWX? I would not trust a file transfer to Windows. Use the utility 


You may need to install it first:


sudo apt-get install sqlite3


Then do


sqlite3 /var/lib/weewx/weewx.sdb

select datetime(dateTime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), inTemp, inHumidity, 
extraTemp1, windSpeed, windGust from archive order by dateTime desc limit 10;





On Sat, Dec 29, 2018 at 5:53 PM < <> > 

As requested.  Looking at the database I also see that windGustDir, inTemp, and 
inHumidity are NULL.





From: <>  
< <> > On Behalf Of 
Thomas Keffer
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2018 7:22 PM
To: weewx-user < <> >
Subject: Re: [weewx-user] ExtraTemp1


So, the value is not making it to the database. 


At this point, we need to see the log. See the Wiki entry  
 Help! Posting to weewx-user for how to get a good log.




On Sat, Dec 29, 2018 at 5:17 PM Tom Robertson < 
<> > wrote:

Thanks for the fast reply.  I downloaded the database to my windows machine and 
then used SQLiteStudio to look at it.  extraTemp1 shows null. Other fields are 
populated except for inTemp and inHumidity.  I must have turned them off 


I ran the –info and got this:


CONSOLE TYPE:                   Vantage Pro2



      Date:                         May  8 2012

      Version:                      3.00



      Archive interval:             60 (seconds)

      Altitude:                     1089 (foot)

      Wind cup type:                large

      Rain bucket type:             0.01 inches

      Rain year start:              1

      Onboard time:                 2018-12-29 18:55:44



      Barometer:                    inHg

      Temperature:                  degree_F

      Rain:                         inch

      Wind:                         mile_per_hour



      Latitude (onboard):           +34.2°

      Longitude (onboard):          -86.2°

      Use manual or auto DST?       AUTO

      DST setting:                  N/A

      Use GMT offset or zone code?  ZONE_CODE

      Time zone code:               6

      GMT offset:                   N/A

      Temperature logging:          LAST

      Retransmit channel:           ON (255)



      Channel   Receive   Repeater  Type

         1      active      none    iss 

         2      active      none    temp (as extra temperature 1)

         3      active      none    wind 

         4      inactive    none    (N/A) 

         5      inactive    none    (N/A) 

         6      inactive    none    (N/A) 

         7      inactive    none    (N/A) 

         8      inactive    none    (N/A) 



      Total packets received:       25957

      Total packets missed:         636

      Number of resynchronizations: 0

      Longest good stretch:         327

      Number of CRC errors:         98



      Current barometer reading:    30.295 inHg

      Altitude:                     1089 feet

      Dew point:                    44 F

      Virtual temperature:          46 F

      Humidity correction factor:   2.0

      Correction ratio:             1.041

      Correction constant:          +0.000 inHg

      Gain:                         0.000

      Offset:                       -50.000



      Wind direction:               +0 deg

      Inside Temperature:           +0.0 F

      Inside Humidity:              +0 %

      Outside Temperature:          +0.0 F

      Outside Humidity:             +0 %

      Extra Temperature 1:          +0.0 F


I ran the program direct and it showed extraTemp1: 54.0.





From: <>  
< <> > On Behalf Of 
Thomas Keffer
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2018 6:52 PM
To: weewx-user < <> >
Subject: Re: [weewx-user] ExtraTemp1


Hello, Tom


How did you check for values in the database? Could you be more specific?


Couple things to try:


1. Try using the  
 wee_device command with the --info option. You will have to stop WeeWX first. 
This will confirm whether the console is aware of the extra sensor.


2. Try running WeeWX  
 directly from the command line and watch what it prints out. What values do 
you see for extraTemp1?





On Sat, Dec 29, 2018 at 4:39 PM Tom Robertson < 
<> > wrote:

I have a Davis Vantage 2 with the extra sensor.  I am running weewx on a RPI.  
I see the extra temp sensor value show up in my Meteotemplate web page so I 
know it is being sent.  When I look at the weex DB I see the field for the 
ExtraTemp1 sensor but it is not being populated.


I would like to be able to see this value in the weewx standard reports.


Any help please?



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