Short update:
I have found out that my plugin is executed via data_services each time a 
loop package is generated and this is approximatly every 3 seconds.
An archive dataset is written every 60 seconds, leading to chance of 1/20 
that the raindelta is saved correctly - thats too less :-D

So I see two possible solutions:
1. The data service is only executed once before the archiv dataset is 
written. Has anybody a idea how this could be done?

2. I have access to some kind of software flag saying that a archive record 
has been written.

I had also a look into the vantage driver and I think this piece of code 
does the magic of calculating the data:
        # Because the Davis stations do not offer bucket tips in LOOP data, 
        # must calculate it by looking for changes in rain totals. This 
        # work for the very first rain packet.
        if self.save_monthRain is None:
            delta = None
            delta = loop_packet['monthRain'] - self.save_monthRain
            # If the difference is negative, we're at the beginning of a 
            if delta < 0: delta = None
        loop_packet['rain'] = delta
        self.save_monthRain = loop_packet['monthRain']

        return loop_packet

But I do not understand how overwriting the delta is prevented here.

Hoping for some replys.

Best wishes,

Am Sonntag, 3. März 2019 13:16:49 UTC+1 schrieb engolling:
> Hello,
> I tried to implement a driver providing the rainfall in intervall but 
> until now it does not work as expected.
> I'am able to handle the correct data to WeeWx with this command:
>                         syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "WeatherDuino: " + 
> str(names[n+1]) + ": " + str(deltarain))
>                         event.record[str(names[n+1])] = float(deltarain)
> The debug log output says:
>> Mar  3 11:56:16 WeatherDuinoPi weewx[1366]: WeatherDuino: Rain_RG11: 
>> 0.17716535433
> But in the database there is a "0" logged.
> If i change the code hardcoding the rain intervall to 10 it works fine.
>                         syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "WeatherDuino: " + 
> str(names[n+1]) + ": " + str(10))
>                         event.record[str(names[n+1])] = 10
> So I think my driver is executed more often then my one minute logging 
> intervall and so the value of the event.record is overwritten with a zero 
> again - because the driver thinks the value is already in the WeeWx 
> database.
> You can find my code here:
> It is embedded in the weewx.conf:
> #   This section configures the internal weewx engine.
> [Engine]
>     [[Services]]
>         # This section specifies the services that should be run. They are
>         # grouped by type, and the order of services within each group
>         # determines the order in which the services will be run.
>         prep_services = weewx.engine.StdTimeSynch
>         data_services = user.WeeWx_WeatherDuino_Logger_plugin.WeeWxService
> ,
>         process_services = weewx.engine.StdConvert, weewx.engine.
> StdCalibrate, weewx.engine.StdQC, weewx.wxservices.StdWXCalculate
>         archive_services = weewx.engine.StdArchive
>         restful_services = weewx.restx.StdStationRegistry, weewx.restx.
> StdWunderground, weewx.restx.StdPWSweather, weewx.restx.StdCWOP, weewx.
> restx.StdWOW, weewx.restx.StdAWEKAS
>         report_services = weewx.engine.StdPrint, weewx.engine.StdReport
> Regards,
> engolling
> Am Samstag, 23. Februar 2019 14:10:36 UTC+1 schrieb Andrew Milner:
>> weewx requires rain during archive interval for storing in the database 
>> archive records.  A driver may have to convert whatever it receives (eg 
>> running total) so as to obtain the value for the interval.  Daily is 
>> accumulated by weewx from the archive interval values and weekly and 
>> monthly are derived form the daily totals.  This is possibly an over 
>> simplification - but should give the idea.
>> so if the second source gives a value for rainfall in interval it should 
>> be enough for weewx to derive the remainder.
>> On Saturday, 23 February 2019 12:30:38 UTC+2, engolling wrote:
>>> Hello community,
>>> I would like to add an additional rain gauge as additional source 
>>> described in the customization guide.
>>> Can you give me any hints how to do this the easiest way, to get the 
>>> daily, weekly and monthly percipation. 
>>> Can I use any modules or calculations that are already done inside the 
>>> system or is this normally done by the corresponding driver, so I have to 
>>> handle all the signals precalculated.
>>> I hope you understand what I mean.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> engolling

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