Hello Gary,


thanks fot your efforts. You are right with your description how my code 
should work.

Let's say my main problem is that I know how I construct software in 
principle, but my python knowledgde is not very good, so in order to safe 
the last cumulative rain value my only solution was to write it into a 
file. Otherwise I tought the value might get lost between executing the 
data service


I will try to 'buffer' my last rain value in a variable as you describe it 
and give you feedback.

But I still think WeeWx does not accumulate correctly in my case, because 
im nearly 100% sure, that I have checked that my (indeed strange) code 
emits the values correctly.

My schema looks like this - I think it is fine.

> sqlite> .schema archive
> `usUnits` INTEGER NOT NULL, `interval` INTEGER NOT NULL, `barometer` REAL, 
> `pressure` REAL, `altimeter` REAL, `inTemp` REAL, `outTemp` REAL, 
> `inHumidity` REAL, `outHumidity` REAL, `windSpeed` REAL, `windDir` REAL, 
> `windGust` REAL, `windGustDir` REAL, `rainRate` REAL, `rain` REAL, 
> `dewpoint` REAL, `windchill` REAL, `heatindex` REAL, `ET` REAL, `radiation` 
> REAL, `UV` REAL, `extraTemp1` REAL, `extraTemp2` REAL, `extraTemp3` REAL, 
> `soilTemp1` REAL, `soilTemp2` REAL, `soilTemp3` REAL, `soilTemp4` REAL, 
> `leafTemp1` REAL, `leafTemp2` REAL, `extraHumid1` REAL, `extraHumid2` REAL, 
> `soilMoist1` REAL, `soilMoist2` REAL, `soilMoist3` REAL, `soilMoist4` REAL, 
> `leafWet1` REAL, `leafWet2` REAL, `rxCheckPercent` REAL, `txBatteryStatus` 
> REAL, `consBatteryVoltage` REAL, `hail` REAL, `hailRate` REAL, 
> `heatingTemp` REAL, `heatingVoltage` REAL, `supplyVoltage` REAL, 
> `referenceVoltage` REAL, `windBatteryStatus` REAL, `rainBatteryStatus` 
> REAL, `outTempBatteryStatus` REAL, `inTempBatteryStatus` REAL, 
> `AVG_Rcv_RX0` REAL, `AVG_Rcv_RX1` REAL, `AVG_Rcv_RX2` REAL, `BatVolt_0` 
> REAL, `SysTemp_0` REAL, `Rsfan_0` REAL, `PacketsSentPerHour_0` REAL, 
> `Snow_Height` REAL, `BatVolt_1` REAL, `SysTemp_1` REAL, `Rsfan_1` REAL, 
> `PacketsSentPerHour_1` REAL, `BatVolt_2` REAL, `SysTemp_2` REAL, `Rsfan_2` 
> REAL, `PacketsSentPerHour_2` REAL, `Soil_Temp_Full1` REAL, 
> `Soil_Temp_Full2` REAL, `Soil_Temp_Full3` REAL, `Soil_Temp_Full4` REAL, 
> `AQI_PM1_0` REAL, `AQI_PM2_5` REAL, `AQI_PM10_0` REAL, `AQI_Index` REAL, 
> `AQI_Temp` REAL, `AQI_Hum` REAL, `CO2` REAL, `GAS_2` REAL, `WiFi_T0` REAL, 
> `WiFi_H0` REAL, `Signal_Quality_TX0` REAL, `Signal_Quality_TX1` REAL, 
> `Signal_Quality_TX2` REAL, `Rain_RG11` REAL, `Rain_Rate_RG11` REAL, 
> `Rain_TX2` REAL, `Rain_Rate_TX2` REAL);

Thank you,

Am Samstag, 16. März 2019 07:44:10 UTC+1 schrieb gjr80:
> Hi,
> I had a look through your code and I think you have made things overly 
> complex for yourself. As I understand your setup you have a file, 
> /home/pi/WeatherDuino/WeeWx_Exp.txt,  that contains your WeatherDuino 
> data, there are three rows of semicolon separated data, the rows being 
> labels/names, units and values. One of those fields is a cumulative rain 
> value. You also use the file /home/pi/WeatherDuino/Rain_tmp.txt that you 
> use in an elaborate arrangement to read and save the last cumulative rain 
> value and you obtain the delta rain value by taking the difference between 
> the current cumulative rain value and the value read from 
> /home/pi/WeatherDuino/Rain_tmp.txt.
> The logic appears to be sound but you are going about it in a very complex 
> manner and I suspect that is tripping you up. The need to determine delta 
> rain from a stream of cumulative rain values is common in many WeeWX 
> drivers. the approach taken in theses drivers is to create a property, 
> let's call it last_rain that is initialised to None in the drivers 
> __init__(). Then when the driver obtains a cumulative rain value, let's 
> call it cumulative_rain, there is a simple check whether last_rain is None, 
> if it is then delta_rain is set to None, if last_rain is not None the 
> delta_rain  is set to cumulative_rain - last_rain. Finally last_rain is 
> set to cumulative_rain. In code it might look like this:
> class SomeDriver():
>     def __init__():
>         ....
>         self.last_rain = None
>         ....
>     def get_delta_rain(cumulative_rain):
>         if self.last_rain is not None:
>             delta_rain = cumulative_rain - self.last_rain
>         else:
>             delta_rain =None
>         self.last_rain = cumulative_rain
>         return delta_rain
> I have left a lot of things out there but the point was to illustrate the 
> overall logic and structure. By using the last_rain property there is no 
> need to write temporary values to file; your code is a lot neater, simpler 
> to understand and faster. The example I have used is for a driver, your 
> service, whilst not a driver, operates in the same manner in many respects 
> so you should be able to apply a similar construct in your service. You 
> don' need a separate get_delta_rain method if you don't want, you can put 
> it all in your read_file method.
> As for data not appearing in your database there are two conditions that 
> need to be met (1) your data needs ot appear in the archive record 
> generated by WeeWX and (2) the archive field name containing your data 
> needs to be included in the archive table schema. In your case your service 
> should take care of (1). At the moment I am not convinced that it is 
> operating as intended, but if you simplify/restructure your code as 
> suggested we will get there. As for (2) I am not convinced that your code 
> for setting the modified schema is doing as you think. Have you actually 
> looked in your database to see what schema has been implemented? You can 
> easily check the schema of a SQLite database table using the sqlite3 
> utility (note you may need to install it on your machine using $ sudo 
> apt-get install sqlite3). To check the schema (assuming your database is 
> in /home/weewx/archive - it may be in /var/lib/weewx):
> $ sqlite3 /home/weewx/archive/weewx.sdb
> sqlite> .schema archive
> <schema will be listed here>
> sqlite> .q
> What does the above show you, is field Rain_RG11 in the schema?
> Gary
> On Saturday, 16 March 2019 09:09:32 UTC+10, engolling wrote:
>> Hi Gary,
>> thanks for your very interesting reply. I tried to augment my extra data 
>> to the NEW_LOOP_PACKET, whichs works in priciple for all my data except the 
>> rain delta.
>> As I mentioned it seems that the rain delta values are getting sorted out 
>> somehow. 
>> You can find the code here:
>> https://github.com/menachers/WeatherDuino/tree/master/WeeWx_Plugin
>> and an excerpt of my weewx.conf in an earlier post.
>> So if I hardcode a deltarain of 0.1[in] it sums up correctly with each 
>> archive record - so after 5 minutes I get a total rain of 0.5[in]. If it is 
>> augmented to one loop packet (beeing emitted aproximatly every 3 seconds) i 
>> can also see it in the live display of the loop packet, but it can not be 
>> found in the archive record. So it seems that is is not accumulated 
>> internaly.
>> Best regards,
>> engolling
>> Am Freitag, 15. März 2019 06:09:09 UTC+1 schrieb gjr80:
>>> Hi,
>>> When using a data service to add data to WeeWX you have two choices, you 
>>> either add your data to the archive records or you add your data to the 
>>> loop packets. Either way will work. If you decide that your data service is 
>>> to augment archive records with your rainfall data then your data service 
>>> must (1) bind to the event NEW_ARCHIVE_RECORD and (2) add the total 
>>> rainfall seen by your sensor during that archive period (in your case that 
>>> is the last 1 minute) to the archive record. If you decide your data 
>>> service is to augment the loop packets then your service must (1) bind to 
>>> the NEW_LOOP_PACKET event and (2) add the total rainfall seen since the 
>>> last loop packet you augmented to the loop packet concerned. Note that you 
>>> do not need to add your data to every loop packet, you can add it to 
>>> whichever loop packets you wish, but the value you add must be the total 
>>> rainfall since the last loop packet you augmented. The WeeWX internal 
>>> machinery will then take care of accumulating the loop data and your 
>>> accumulated data will appear in the archive record generated by WeeWX.
>>> Which way you decide to go is up to you. If you decide to augment the 
>>> archive record then your service would need to (in your case) obtain the 
>>> total rainfall for each 1 minute archive period, this may or may not be 
>>> easy depending on your hardware. The key here is you need to stick to the 
>>> archive period. If you decide to augment loop packets you can augment 
>>> whenever you want, you can skip loop packets if you want as long as you 
>>> stick to the rule of providing total rainfall since you last augmented a 
>>> loop packet. The loop packet approach is probably simpler, you just add 
>>> data when ever you can/want; you are not forced to rigidly stick to a fixed 
>>> interval as you are with the archive approach.
>>> In terms of saving data to the archive there are two conditions that 
>>> must be met. Firstly, the field/data you wish to save must appear in the 
>>> WeeWX generated archive record (you can see the WeeWX generated loop 
>>> packets and archive records by running weeWX directly 
>>> <http://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#Running_directly>). Secondly, 
>>> your archive table schema must contain a field with the same name as the 
>>> field of interest in the archive record. So if your service added a field 
>>> named 'rain2' to the archive records (or loop packets) and the archive 
>>> table your WeeWX database had a field named 'rain2', then WeeWX would 
>>> automatically save your rain2 data to the archive. The steps involved in 
>>> changing your schema are covered in the Customization Guide 
>>> <http://weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm> under Adding a new type to the 
>>> database <http://weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm#add_archive_type>. Note 
>>> there are other approaches to saving new data to archive (eg creating a 
>>> second database) but these approaches are usually more complex or more 
>>> involved so I have ignored them in this case.
>>> You might also find that posting your code may help as that way we can 
>>> see exactly what you are/are not doing.
>>> Gary
>>> On Friday, 15 March 2019 08:45:03 UTC+10, engolling wrote:
>>>> Short update:
>>>> I have found out that my plugin is executed via data_services each time 
>>>> a loop package is generated and this is approximatly every 3 seconds.
>>>> An archive dataset is written every 60 seconds, leading to chance of 
>>>> 1/20 that the raindelta is saved correctly - thats too less :-D
>>>> So I see two possible solutions:
>>>> 1. The data service is only executed once before the archiv dataset is 
>>>> written. Has anybody a idea how this could be done?
>>>> 2. I have access to some kind of software flag saying that a archive 
>>>> record has been written.
>>>> I had also a look into the vantage driver and I think this piece of 
>>>> code does the magic of calculating the data:
>>>>         # Because the Davis stations do not offer bucket tips in LOOP 
>>>> data, we
>>>>         # must calculate it by looking for changes in rain totals. 
>>>> This won't
>>>>         # work for the very first rain packet.
>>>>         if self.save_monthRain is None:
>>>>             delta = None
>>>>         else:
>>>>             delta = loop_packet['monthRain'] - self.save_monthRain
>>>>             # If the difference is negative, we're at the beginning of 
>>>> a month.
>>>>             if delta < 0: delta = None
>>>>         loop_packet['rain'] = delta
>>>>         self.save_monthRain = loop_packet['monthRain']
>>>>         return loop_packet
>>>> But I do not understand how overwriting the delta is prevented here.
>>>> Hoping for some replys.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> engolling
>>>> Am Sonntag, 3. März 2019 13:16:49 UTC+1 schrieb engolling:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I tried to implement a driver providing the rainfall in intervall but 
>>>>> until now it does not work as expected.
>>>>> I'am able to handle the correct data to WeeWx with this command:
>>>>>                         syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "WeatherDuino: 
>>>>> " + str(names[n+1]) + ": " + str(deltarain))
>>>>>                         event.record[str(names[n+1])] = float(
>>>>> deltarain)
>>>>> The debug log output says:
>>>>>> Mar  3 11:56:16 WeatherDuinoPi weewx[1366]: WeatherDuino: Rain_RG11: 
>>>>>> 0.17716535433
>>>>> But in the database there is a "0" logged.
>>>>> If i change the code hardcoding the rain intervall to 10 it works fine.
>>>>>                         syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "WeatherDuino: 
>>>>> " + str(names[n+1]) + ": " + str(10))
>>>>>                         event.record[str(names[n+1])] = 10
>>>>> So I think my driver is executed more often then my one minute logging 
>>>>> intervall and so the value of the event.record is overwritten with a zero 
>>>>> again - because the driver thinks the value is already in the WeeWx 
>>>>> database.
>>>>> You can find my code here:
>>>>> https://github.com/menachers/WeatherDuino/tree/master/WeeWx_Plugin
>>>>> It is embedded in the weewx.conf:
>>>>> #   This section configures the internal weewx engine.
>>>>> [Engine]
>>>>>     [[Services]]
>>>>>         # This section specifies the services that should be run. 
>>>>> They are
>>>>>         # grouped by type, and the order of services within each group
>>>>>         # determines the order in which the services will be run.
>>>>>         prep_services = weewx.engine.StdTimeSynch
>>>>>         data_services = user.WeeWx_WeatherDuino_Logger_plugin.
>>>>> WeeWxService,
>>>>>         process_services = weewx.engine.StdConvert, weewx.engine.
>>>>> StdCalibrate, weewx.engine.StdQC, weewx.wxservices.StdWXCalculate
>>>>>         archive_services = weewx.engine.StdArchive
>>>>>         restful_services = weewx.restx.StdStationRegistry, weewx.restx
>>>>> .StdWunderground, weewx.restx.StdPWSweather, weewx.restx.StdCWOP, 
>>>>> weewx.restx.StdWOW, weewx.restx.StdAWEKAS
>>>>>         report_services = weewx.engine.StdPrint, weewx.engine.
>>>>> StdReport
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> engolling
>>>>> Am Samstag, 23. Februar 2019 14:10:36 UTC+1 schrieb Andrew Milner:
>>>>>> weewx requires rain during archive interval for storing in the 
>>>>>> database archive records.  A driver may have to convert whatever it 
>>>>>> receives (eg running total) so as to obtain the value for the interval.  
>>>>>> Daily is accumulated by weewx from the archive interval values and 
>>>>>> weekly 
>>>>>> and monthly are derived form the daily totals.  This is possibly an over 
>>>>>> simplification - but should give the idea.
>>>>>> so if the second source gives a value for rainfall in interval it 
>>>>>> should be enough for weewx to derive the remainder.
>>>>>> On Saturday, 23 February 2019 12:30:38 UTC+2, engolling wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello community,
>>>>>>> I would like to add an additional rain gauge as additional source 
>>>>>>> described in the customization guide.
>>>>>>> Can you give me any hints how to do this the easiest way, to get the 
>>>>>>> daily, weekly and monthly percipation. 
>>>>>>> Can I use any modules or calculations that are already done inside 
>>>>>>> the system or is this normally done by the corresponding driver, so I 
>>>>>>> have 
>>>>>>> to handle all the signals precalculated.
>>>>>>> I hope you understand what I mean.
>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>> engolling

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