Hi Leon, 

Ok, good to hear that it was a left-over and that you updated it!

I did a reboot of the system and found that it took aprox. 2min to get the 
first "added" message from weewx, so I set the watchdogsecs to 720. Would 
that be ok? What could happen if the time is set to early och to late? 

I had toogled them both to 1 at the same time.

Here's the part of var/log/weewx.log when it occured:

tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST Missing records:
tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST 2019-05-02 12:37:05 CEST (1556793425); 
29.224";  47.1F;  65%; 3.8 mph; 135 deg; 5.4 mph gust;  36.0F;  N/A  rain  
tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST 2019-05-02 12:47:05 CEST (1556794025); 
29.231";  46.6F;  63%; 6.0 mph; 225 deg; 7.6 mph gust;  34.7F; 0.00" rain  
tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST 2019-05-02 13:16:53 CEST (1556795813); 
29.231";  48.2F;  57%;10.7 mph;  45 deg;14.5 mph gust;  33.7F;  N/A  rain  
tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST 2019-05-02 13:36:47 CEST (1556797007); 
29.240";  48.2F;  51%; 8.3 mph; 315 deg; 9.8 mph gust;  30.9F;  N/A  rain  
tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST 2019-05-02 13:46:47 CEST (1556797607); 
29.241";  48.0F;  51%; 5.4 mph; 225 deg; 7.6 mph gust;  30.8F; 0.00" rain  
tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST 2019-05-02 14:17:05 CEST (1556799425); 
29.251";  49.3F;  45%; 3.8 mph;   0 deg; 6.0 mph gust;  28.8F;  N/A  rain  
tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST 2019-05-02 14:37:05 CEST (1556800625); 
29.249";  50.0F;  44%; 3.1 mph; 270 deg; 6.9 mph gust;  29.0F;  N/A  rain  
tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST 2019-05-02 14:47:05 CEST (1556801225); 
29.248";  49.3F;  43%; 6.0 mph;   0 deg; 8.3 mph gust;  27.7F; 0.00" rain  
tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST 2019-05-02 15:17:00 CEST (1556803020); 
29.244";  51.3F;  41%; 2.2 mph; 315 deg; 3.8 mph gust;  28.4F;  N/A  rain  
tor  2 maj 2019 15:45:06 CEST 2019-05-02 15:40:00 CEST (1556804400); 
29.247";  51.5F;  40%; 5.4 mph; 267 deg;10.7 mph gust;  28.0F; 0.00" rain  
tor  2 maj 2019 16:12:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog warning notification sent to 
tor  2 maj 2019 16:12:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog Restart event timestamp: 
tor  2 maj 2019 16:12:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog Stop message: Stopping weewx 
(via systemctl): weewx.service.
tor  2 maj 2019 16:12:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog Start message: Restarting 
weewx (via systemctl): weewx.service.
tor  2 maj 2019 16:31:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog warning notification sent to 
tor  2 maj 2019 16:31:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog Restart was NOT attempted 
(last restart was too recent).
tor  2 maj 2019 16:31:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog REBOOT event timestamp: 
tor  2 maj 2019 16:31:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog REBOOT notification sent to 
xxxx...@xxxxxx.xxx and REBOOT initiated.
tor  2 maj 2019 16:39:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog warning notification sent to 
tor  2 maj 2019 16:39:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog Restart event timestamp: 
tor  2 maj 2019 16:39:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog Stop message: Stopping weewx 
(via systemctl): weewx.service.
tor  2 maj 2019 16:39:01 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog Start message: Restarting 
weewx (via systemctl): weewx.service.
tor  2 maj 2019 17:12:02 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog warning notification sent to 
tor  2 maj 2019 17:12:02 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog Restart event timestamp: 
tor  2 maj 2019 17:12:02 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog Stop message: Stopping weewx 
(via systemctl): weewx.service.
tor  2 maj 2019 17:12:02 CEST WeeWX: Watchdog Start message: Restarting 
weewx (via systemctl): weewx.service.

Hope that helps!
And let me know if you need som more info or log from my system, and I'll 
try to help out :)

I have the new script running now and will update how it goes.

Is it possible to send the email from watchdog some other way and not with 
In constantines script i got the mail sent, but not in your script, oh well 
I get a mail that says:
"/var/www/html/scripts/Watchdog/weewx_watchdog2: rad 101: mailx: kommandot 
finns inte (no such command)
/var/www/html/scripts/Watchdog/weewx_watchdog2: rad 120: mailx: kommandot 
finns inte (no such command) 
So maybe the mail works but there something else wrong? :/

Btw, one off topic question, could you explain to me how I can make my 
USB-stick auto-mount when the system makes a auto reboot?
I usually run this command "sudo mount /dev/sda3 /backup", but when the 
reboot is unattended this is not mounted until I run the command. 

BR Mikael / noob =D

Den torsdag 2 maj 2019 kl. 17:55:04 UTC+2 skrev Leon Shaner:
> Hey, Mikael,
> Nice catch.  That message about 1556807461 seconds is a left-over from 
> the earlier version.  It is not only redundant, but also incorrect, due to 
> what amounts to re-use of an earlier variable.  :S   I have removed it.
> https://github.com/UberEclectic/weewx/tree/watchdog/examples/watchdog
> Your weewx.conf archive interval of 600 seconds is not really a problem, 
> it's up to you what to put there, but in that case you probably want to 
> increase my watchdogsecs by a factor that approximates how long it takes 
> your system to boot and for weewx to post the first record.  My RPI boots 
> in under a minute, so if yours is similar, even watchdogsecs=660 should 
> suffice.
> Hmm.  Maybe longer.  Please check your syslog and see if you can 
> approximate how long after a reboot it takes before this type of message to 
> appear from weewx:
> weewx[9809]: manager: Added record 2019-05-02 06:24:00 EDT (1556792640) to 
> database
> To your next questions...
> It isn't 100% clear to me which way you have the toggles set.
> Did you ultimately enable both remediation actions steps, before seeing 
> the erroneous message?
> doweewxrestart=1
> dohostreboot=1
> Even that erroneous message shouldn't have appeared unless you have 
> dohostreboot=1 
> but you are mentioning mainly that you tried the doweewxrestart=1  first.  
> Not 
> sure if you mean that after trying the restart option you then went on to 
> also try the dohostreboot=1 and saw the erroneous message?
> Just want to be sure, because the logic is the most important thing, and I 
> did test that extensively.  =D
> I didn't notice the erroneous message because it only goes to syslog and I 
> was mainly watching the more interesting log in the case of weewx_watchdog, 
> which is at /var/log/weewx.log.  Would be helpful to see that log if there 
> are any other issues.
> Cheers! =D
> \Leon
> --
> Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad Pro)
> Regards,
> Leon
> --
> Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad Pro)
> On May 2, 2019, at 10:56 AM, plig...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote:
> Hi Leon,
> Just installed the updated script now.
> Seems to be running fine dispite on thing that occured, see part of log 
> here:
> May  2 16:21:08 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 10 
> files for report Sofaskin-FW2205-master in 6.93 seconds
> May  2 16:21:10 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: imagegenerator: Generated 9 
> images for Sofaskin-FW2205-master in 1.03 seconds
> May  2 16:21:10 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: copygenerator: copied 8 files to 
> /var/www/html/weewx/Sofaskin-FW2205-master
> May  2 16:21:10 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: GaugeGenerator: Generated 6 
> images for Bootstrap in 0.55 seconds
> May  2 16:21:10 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: historygenerator.pyc: Generated 9 
> tables in 0.18 seconds
> May  2 16:21:13 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 10 
> files for report Bootstrap in 2.86 seconds
> May  2 16:21:13 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: copygenerator: copied 3 files to 
> /var/www/html/weewx/Bootstrap
> May  2 16:21:17 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 6 
> files for report Bjurdammen in 4.13 seconds
> May  2 16:21:17 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: copygenerator: copied 3 files to 
> /var/www/html/weewx/Bjurdammen
> May  2 16:21:19 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 6 
> files for report SeasonsReport in 1.46 seconds
> May  2 16:21:19 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: copygenerator: copied 3 files to 
> /var/www/html/weewx
> May  2 16:22:28 raspberrypi vncserver-x11[438]: Connections: rejecting 
> blacklisted connection:
> May  2 16:27:01 raspberrypi CRON[2616]: (root) CMD 
> (/var/www/html/scripts/Watchdog/weewx_watchdog2)
> May  2 16:29:14 raspberrypi crontab[2636]: (root) BEGIN EDIT (root)
> May  2 16:29:24 raspberrypi crontab[2636]: (root) REPLACE (root)
> May  2 16:29:24 raspberrypi crontab[2636]: (root) END EDIT (root)
> May  2 16:29:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: weewx weather 
> system...
> May  2 16:29:41 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: engine: Main loop exiting. 
> Shutting engine down.
> May  2 16:29:41 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: engine: Shutting down StdReport 
> thread
> May  2 16:29:41 raspberrypi weewx[2209]: engine: Terminating weewx version 
> 3.9.1
> May  2 16:29:46 raspberrypi weewx[2683]: Stopping weewx weather system: 
> weewx..
> May  2 16:29:46 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: weewx weather system.
> May  2 16:30:01 raspberrypi cron[304]: (root) RELOAD (crontabs/root)
> May  2 16:30:01 raspberrypi CRON[2727]: (pliggen) CMD (/usr/bin/php7.0 
> /var/www/html/weewx/smhi_warnings_bjurdammen.php > /dev/null 2>&1)
> May  2 16:31:01 raspberrypi CRON[2741]: (root) CMD 
> (/var/www/html/scripts/Watchdog/weewx_watchdog2)
> May  2 16:31:01 raspberrypi root[2748]: weewx_watchdog: 661 seconds have 
> passed since weewx logged any records!
> May  2 16:31:01 raspberrypi root[2759]: weewx_watchdog: 1556807461 seconds 
> have passed since weewx logged any records!  Rebooting!
> May  2 16:31:17 raspberrypi systemd-modules-load[85]: Inserted module 
> 'i2c_dev'
> May  2 16:31:17 raspberrypi fake-hwclock[88]: tor  2 maj 2019 14:31:15 UTC
> I stopped weewx via service weewx stop.
> Then I had the script to run by cronjob. 
> It first tried to restart and wrote that 661 seconds have passed since 
> weewx logged any records, and that is correct, I have it set to 
> archive_interval = 600 in weewx.conf. Or should I change this time?
> the the script wrote that 1556807461 seconds have passed since weewx 
> logged any records! Rebooting! 
> Is this correct behavior? Because weewx logged 660 seconds erlier...
> Thanks for the update and I will continue to try it and hope to have it 
> running :)
> BR Mikael
> Den torsdag 2 maj 2019 kl. 06:35:20 UTC+2 skrev Leon Shaner:
>> Hi, Mikael,
>> I've added the simple toggles at the top of the script to control 
>> remediation actions.
>> The script will always notify, but the restart weewx and reboot host 
>> actions are completely optional and controlled simply by the variables at 
>> the top of the script.
>> If both *restart weewx* and *reboot host* actions are enabled, these 
>> become nested in that first the restart weewx will be tried one time and if 
>> after watchdogsecs the station is still not reporting, then the host reboot 
>> will occur.  You can enable one or the other or both.
>> I also added logic to check if the host was rebooted within 2x watchdog 
>> secs to avoid reboot loops.   I strongly recommend not lowering the 
>> watchdogsecs below 600 (10 minutes).
>> It's important to note that my approach isn't actually checking whether 
>> the weewx process is running, rather, the loss of communications checking 
>> is based on whether weewx has written any records to the database lately. 
>> You'll find the update over here:
>> https://github.com/UberEclectic/weewx/tree/watchdog/examples/watchdog
>> BTW, if you use my script don't run another kind of weewx restarter 
>> script, or they will step on each other.  (Or at least be sure to disable 
>> the weewx restart toggle in mine).
>> Regards,
>> Leon
>> --
>> Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad Pro)
>> On May 1, 2019, at 2:24 PM, plig...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I now have this script running. 
>> Indeed this shouldn't be necessary but I've had both issues (Weewx crash 
>> and USB issue) so I think these scripts are nice to have in case something 
>> goes wrong until these issue are ironed out. Of course we should provide TF 
>> with logs from these events.
>> I still have commented out the settings that initiate a reboot, so I will 
>> have to do that manually in that case, for now.
>> So it's good to have those scripts sending email at errors.
>> Yes it would be great to have these functions in the same script, with 
>> toggle's, so I would appreciate it. Lets see if there are someone else that 
>> would like it. 
>> Well, thank you so far for all help! Learning all the time now :)
>> BR Mikael
>> Den onsdag 1 maj 2019 kl. 16:26:33 UTC+2 skrev Leon Shaner:
>>> Hi, Mikael,
>>> My watchdog script could certainly be "complimentary" to Constantine's 
>>> script, and with minor modifications could potentially replace it.   IIRC, 
>>> isn't mine at least the third script recently mentioned on the alias to 
>>> address nearly the same issues?
>>> For sure these scripts shouldn't be necessary, but things happen, and 
>>> bugs that can be fixed may eventually be fixed, but in the mean-time, I'd 
>>> rather have a script notify / remediate / workaround issues than keep 
>>> randomly discovering that my station isn't reporting only hours after it 
>>> "went offline."   :-/
>>> So, anyway, in my weewx_watchdog script I am merely sending an e-mail 
>>> notification when the station hasn't reported, but there is an example 
>>> included (commented out) that initiates a reboot, which is the only remedy 
>>> I have found for when my WMR300 stops communicating on my RPI.
>>> Instead of the "shutdown -r now" it would be very easy to instead use 
>>> "systemctl status weewx" to check if the service is running and then 
>>> "systemctl start weewx" to start it (or "systemctl restart weewx").
>>> With a little more work, I could do a series of remediation steps, like 
>>> first attempting to restart weewx, then IFF the station still is not 
>>> reporting, do the reboot the next time.   I didn't bother, because never 
>>> once ever did a simple restart of weewx fix the USB issues with my WMR300 
>>> on RPI.   Also, I didn't bother to check if weewx was running, because my 
>>> weewx has never actually stopped running.  It's always the USB issue at 
>>> fault in my case.  :-/
>>> If there is interest I could add a weewx restart remediation and even 
>>> put some simple toggle's at the top to control which remediation steps are 
>>> desired, such as restart_weewx vs. reboot_host, and maybe even do the logic 
>>> to first try one and then the other if both are enabled.   Could put a 
>>> toggle for whether to do the wunderfixer steps, too.   I'm going to write a 
>>> separate post about that in a minute.  ;-)
>>> Incidentally, I had to move the script.  It's in its own branch now:
>>> https://github.com/UberEclectic/weewx/tree/watchdog/examples/watchdog
>>> Regards,
>>> Leon
>>> --
>>> Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad Pro)
>>> On May 1, 2019, at 4:13 AM, plig...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi Leon,
>>> could this be used as a complement to Constantine Samaklis script you 
>>> helped me with yesterday? 
>>> Sometimes the wh1080 freezes USB-connection to my raspberry pi but the 
>>> weewx service is still running so Constantines script wont have any effect 
>>> in this case?
>>> I think this issue with whxxxx is well known.
>>> BR Mikael
>>> -- 
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