
I assume you are wanting to add more/change plots on the Seasons main page. 
If so there are a few moving parts to understand and adjust.

The [ImageGenerator] stanza of skin.conf will control what plots WeeWX will 
generate and save as image files. Refer to The image generator 
<http://weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm#image_generator> in the Customization 
Guide in the first instance. There are a few rules when setting up the 
[ImageGenerator], stanza, the one that you have fallen foul of is that in a 
given stanza you cannot have a duplicate entry. So


will give the duplicate section name error you saw but 


will be fine. The latter will result in two image files being created; 
daytemp.png and daytemp1.png showing plots of outTemp and extraTemp1 
respectively. You should be able to see these files on you WeeWX server.

All the [ImageGenerator] stanza does is cause your plot image files to be 
generated, it has no direct control over whether an image is displayed on 
your web page (other than if the image file is not generated then it cannot 
be displayed of course). In the previous Standard skin this was simply a 
case of editing skins/Standard/index.html.tmpl and either editing the 
existing or adding new html img tags in the appropriate location. Similar 
changes are needed to week.html.tmpl, month.html.tmpl etc if you wish to 
change the plots on the week, month etc pages. The new Seasons skin is 
somewhat more modular though the same html img tags are used. You need to 
edit skins/Seasons/index.html.tmpl and make the necessary changes to the 
html img tags. Note that in the case of the Seasons skin all the current, 
week, month etc img tags are in index.html.tmpl, not spread across multiple 
files. So if you want to display the image file daytemp1.png you might make 
a change like (untested):

  <div id="history_day" class="plot_container">
    <img src="daybarometer.png" alt="$obs.label.barometer"/>
    <img src="daytempdew.png" alt="$obs.label.outTemp" />
    <img src="daytemp1.png" alt="$obs.label.extraTemp1" />
    <img src="daytempfeel.png" alt="$obs.label.feel" />
    <img src="dayhum.png" alt="$obs.label.outHumidity" />

To make changes to the week, month etc plots you need to edit the img tags 
under the applicable <div id="history_xxxx" class="plot_container">. Once 
you have made your changes save index.html.tmpl and provided your image 
files have been generated your web page should display the changed plots 
after the next report cycle (you may need to refresh the page).

To remove plots from you page you simply delete the corresponding html 
image tags from index.html.tmpl. That will cause index.html to stop 
displaying them but the image generator will continue to generate the image 
file each report cycle. To stop their generation either delete or comment 
out the respective stanza for that plot under [ImageGenerator] in skin.conf.


On Tuesday, 7 May 2019 08:47:16 UTC+10, Ken Booth wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been able to edit the current.inc and hilo.inc to display tables of 
> the values that interest me, but when I edit skins.conf things just don't 
> go the way I want.
> If I comment out
>         [[[daywind]]]
>             [[[[windSpeed]]]]
>             [[[[windGust]]]]
> I still get a windSpeed/WindGust graph.
> If I add an extra [[[daytemp]]] for more sensors, I get
> weewx[24667]: reportengine: Failed to read skin configuration file 
> /etc/weewx/skins/Seasons/skin.conf for report 'SeasonsReport': Duplicate 
> section name at line 267
> If I add a new name such as
>         [[[daytemp1]]]
>             [[[[extraTemp11]]]]
> then I don't get an extra graph.
> So far I have been able to get temperature graphs by replacing values in 
> existing graphs
> ##        [[[daytempfeel]]]
> ##            [[[[windchill]]]]
> ##            [[[[heatindex]]]]
>         [[[daytempfeel]]]
>             [[[[extraTemp12]]]]
>             [[[[extraTemp8]]]]
>             [[[[extraTemp9]]]]
>             [[[[extraTemp11]]]]
>             [[[[extraTemp7]]]]
> So obviously editing skins.conf on its own is insufficient. How do I 
> remove the rainfall and wind graphs, and get more humidity graphs. Which 
> file defines what to generate, and how?

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