
There's nothing wrong with the old methods of reposting old records to WU.

IBM is pretty clueless about the old interfaces we use from the pre-IBM WU 
days.  When IBM says they don't yet support re-uploading old records via API, 
they are most surely talking about the new API's.

I can attest the methods that wunderfixer uses to re-upload do still work, but 
they are subject to the old caveats that I mentioned in a thread some while 
back.  WU quite clearly "normalizes" records to 5-minute boundaries even if 
weewx is using rapidfire or an upload interval shorter than 5-minutes.

SO you can keep trying to re-upload records at n-minute or n-second boundaries 
< 5-minutes, but they won't "stick."
 Furthermore, even re-uploading of records that are aligned to 5-minute 
boundaries seemed to take several re-uploads before they stick, but in 
actuality it's just that they can take a very long time to "post" full-circle 
such that they become available on a subsequent query (that was the case even 
with the old query interface, and is still the case with the new API for 
querying "today" and the other API for querying past days).

 I have found that if I just spread out the calls to wunderfixer enough, then 
the re-uploads do stick (after waiting long enough) and I don't need to waste 
cycles re-uploading a second, third, or n-th time.

Below is a recent example after a USB hang issue on my RPI.  You can see how 
frequently my watchdog script runs, and what it found each time and that in 
fact it was successful in re-uploading the missing records.
The only exception seems to be the records very close to midnight tend to 
usually not stick because WU is strangely keeping a record at 11:59:59.59 
instead of accepting the 00:00:00.00  record.

NOTE:  That in my case I have altered the weewx db query to pre-align the local 
records to 5-minute boundaries (even though my archive interval is every 
1-minute). Pre-filtering the weewx archive query to 5-minute boundaries cuts 
out a huge number of "false-positive" missing records that wouldn't "stick" on 
the WU side even if I did let wunderfixer try to upload them.   NOTE2:  Those 
every 1-minute records didn't "stick" even before IBM went about breaking 
things wholesale across the board.

Example (wunderfixer with --espsilon 125 --timeout 30, and with archive queries 
normalized to 5-minute boundaries):

Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 WeeWX: Wunderfixer timestamp: (1563340621)
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Using configuration file 
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is 
bound to database 'archive_sqlite'
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Weather Underground Station:   KMIDEARB5
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Date to check:                 2019-07-16
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Number of archive records:     275
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Number of WU records:          273
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Number of missing records:     3
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Missing records:
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 2019-07-16 00:00:00 EDT (1563249600); 29.279";  
73.2F;  97%; 0.0 mph; N/A deg; 0.0 mph gust;  72.3F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 2019-07-16 23:55:00 EDT (1563335700); 29.167";  
72.0F;  99%; 0.0 mph; N/A deg; 0.0 mph gust;  71.7F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 2019-07-16 23:59:00 EDT (1563335940); 29.167";  
72.0F;  99%; 0.0 mph; N/A deg; 0.0 mph gust;  71.7F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Using configuration file 
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is 
bound to database 'archive_sqlite'
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Weather Underground Station:   KMIDEARB5
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Date to check:                 2019-07-17
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Number of archive records:     17
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Number of WU records:          15
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Number of missing records:     3
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 Missing records:
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 2019-07-17 00:00:00 EDT (1563336000); 29.167";  
72.0F;  99%; 0.0 mph; N/A deg; 0.0 mph gust;  71.7F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 2019-07-17 01:15:00 EDT (1563340500); 29.173";  
72.5F;  99%; 0.0 mph; N/A deg; 0.0 mph gust;  72.2F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed 17 Jul 01:17:01 EDT 2019 2019-07-17 01:16:00 EDT (1563340560); 29.173";  
72.5F;  99%; 0.0 mph; N/A deg; 0.0 mph gust;  72.2F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed 17 Jul 01:22:03 EDT 2019 WeeWX: Wunderfixer has been intentionally skipped 
this iteration.
Wed 17 Jul 01:32:04 EDT 2019 WeeWX: Wunderfixer has been intentionally skipped 
this iteration.
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019 WeeWX: Wunderfixer timestamp: (1563342124)
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019 Using configuration file 
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019 Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is 
bound to database 'archive_sqlite'
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019 Weather Underground Station:   KMIDEARB5
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019 Date to check:                 2019-07-17
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019 Number of archive records:     22
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019 Number of WU records:          21
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019 Number of missing records:     1
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019 Missing records:
Wed 17 Jul 01:42:03 EDT 2019 2019-07-17 00:00:00 EDT (1563336000); 29.167";  
72.0F;  99%; 0.0 mph; N/A deg; 0.0 mph gust;  71.7F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed 17 Jul 01:52:03 EDT 2019 WeeWX: Wunderfixer has been intentionally skipped 
this iteration.
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019 WeeWX: Wunderfixer timestamp: (1563343324)
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019 Using configuration file 
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019 Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is 
bound to database 'archive_sqlite'
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019 Weather Underground Station:   KMIDEARB5
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019 Date to check:                 2019-07-17
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019 Number of archive records:     26
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019 Number of WU records:          25
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019 Number of missing records:     1
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019 Missing records:
Wed 17 Jul 02:02:04 EDT 2019 2019-07-17 00:00:00 EDT (1563336000); 29.167";  
72.0F;  99%; 0.0 mph; N/A deg; 0.0 mph gust;  71.7F; 0.00" rain  ...published.
Wed 17 Jul 02:12:03 EDT 2019 WeeWX: Wunderfixer has been intentionally skipped 
this iteration.

Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad)

> On Jul 18, 2019, at 11:11 AM, Thomas Keffer <> wrote:
> I've ported wunderfixer to the new WU API. Commit 32c35ce on the development 
> branch.
> Unfortunately, it looks like the WU no longer allows re-posting old records, 
> so the utility may no longer be useful. I'd be interested in other people's 
> experience.
> Also, as I understand it, there are issues for people living east of 
> Greenwich. I live west, so I wasn't able to check that. Other people's 
> experiences would be welcome.
> NB: this is on the development branch. You will have to clone the weewx 
> GitHub repository, then check out the development branch. 
> -tk
>> On Monday, June 3, 2019 at 3:21:54 PM UTC-7, Rod Yager wrote:
>> I’ve already migrated the today logic into my local version of wunderfixer, 
>> which runs as a cron job at 05:58, 11:58, 17:58 and 23:58.
>> This works as expected here.
>> The only circumstance I can see in which it would break is if I make a 
>> request for today’s data  at 23:59:59.95 on my machine. The transmission 
>> delay (and possibly differences in the clocks) will mean that WU receives my 
>> request at a time when it thinks it is 00:00:00.01 on the following day (my 
>> time) and so it will return the (empty) data for the day after the date on 
>> which I made the request. We can’t worry about such things.
>> Rod
>>> On 4 Jun 2019, at 7:55 am, Leon Shaner <> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Rod!  =D
>>> Those are precisely the same tests I ran and exact same results that noted, 
>>> before  before publishing.  =D
>>> Plus a ton of checks against my own station, KMIDEARB5, west of UTC.
>>> As before, even more important than these 'historical' API tests is to 
>>> query against the current day at different times throughout the day, such 
>>> as before and after your midnight and before and after UTC midnight.  That 
>>> logic which uses the 'today' API (rapid) for today is the one we will 
>>> likely keep no matter what IBM does with the well-known bugs in the 
>>> 'historical' API.
>>> (I can't test the 'today' logic 100% without changing my localtime on my 
>>> system and I don't want to do that, which is why I appreciate help from 
>>> others to validate the code).  =D
>>> Regards,
>>> \Leon
>>> --
>>> Leon Shaner :: Dearborn, Michigan (iPad Pro)
>>> On Jun 3, 2019, at 5:39 PM, Rod Yager <> wrote:
>>>> Dear Leon,
>>>> Thanks for all your work on this. This works as well as we are going to be 
>>>> able to manage unless and until WU fixes the bug. 
>>>> The remaining issue affects just one date, the  “change-over” date when WU 
>>>> transitions to returning the correct data - and will only bite for 
>>>> stations east of UTC, and only in the hours that they are ahead of UTC.
>>>> Currently, for me, that date is 2019-05-28. When it originally asks for 
>>>> 2019-05-28, it returns the data for 2019-05-29. Wunderfixer then tries to 
>>>> compensate by asking for 2019-05-27. But 2019-05-27 is a date before the 
>>>> WU bug, and so it returns the data for 2019-05-27. We can’t work around 
>>>> this, because no request to WU will actually return the data we want. The 
>>>> only fix is to wait a few hours until the UTC date is aligned with the 
>>>> Sydney date.
>>>> Good news is that for stations west of UTC, this won’t happen as the bug 
>>>> causes a duplicate day, not a missing day.
>>>> Here’s the output for the requests for my station from 2019-05-27 (before 
>>>> the WU bug kicks in) to today 2019-06-04.
>>>> [rodyager@moses ~]$ /home/weewx/bin/wunderdates3 --epsilon=125 --date 
>>>> 2019-05-27  --test --verbose | (head -n 11 ; tail -n 3)
>>>> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf.
>>>> Weather Underground Station:   ISYDNEY155
>>>> Date to check:                 2019-05-27
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-05-27
>>>> epoch: 1558879200 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-27 00:00:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-26T14:00:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-27 
>>>> 00:00:00
>>>> epoch: 1558879500 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-27 00:05:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-26T14:05:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-27 
>>>> 00:05:00
>>>> epoch: 1558879800 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-27 00:10:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-26T14:10:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-27 
>>>> 00:10:00
>>>> epoch: 1558880100 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-27 00:15:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-26T14:15:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-27 
>>>> 00:15:00
>>>> epoch: 1558880400 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-27 00:20:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-26T14:20:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-27 
>>>> 00:20:00
>>>> epoch: 1558880700 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-27 00:25:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-26T14:25:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-27 
>>>> 00:25:00
>>>> epoch: 1558881000 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-27 00:30:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-26T14:30:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-27 
>>>> 00:30:00
>>>> epoch: 1558965000 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-27 23:50:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-27T13:50:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-27 
>>>> 23:50:00
>>>> epoch: 1558965300 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-27 23:55:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-27T13:55:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-27 
>>>> 23:55:00
>>>> Number of WU records:          288
>>>> [rodyager@moses ~]$ /home/weewx/bin/wunderdates3 --epsilon=125 --date 
>>>> 2019-05-28  --test --verbose | (head -n 11 ; tail -n 3)
>>>> No results returned from Weather Underground (perhaps a bad station 
>>>> name??).
>>>> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf.
>>>> Weather Underground Station:   ISYDNEY155
>>>> Date to check:                 2019-05-28
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-05-29
>>>> WU API RETURNED WRONG DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> WU API COMPENSATION DATE:      2019-05-27
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-05-27
>>>> Number of WU records:          0
>>>> [rodyager@moses ~]$ /home/weewx/bin/wunderdates3 --epsilon=125 --date 
>>>> 2019-05-29  --test --verbose | (head -n 11 ; tail -n 3)
>>>> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf.
>>>> Weather Underground Station:   ISYDNEY155
>>>> Date to check:                 2019-05-29
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-05-30
>>>> WU API RETURNED WRONG DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> WU API COMPENSATION DATE:      2019-05-28
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-05-29
>>>> epoch: 1559052000 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-29 00:00:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-28T14:00:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-29 
>>>> 00:00:00
>>>> epoch: 1559052300 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-29 00:05:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-28T14:05:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-29 
>>>> 00:05:00
>>>> epoch: 1559052600 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-29 00:10:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-28T14:10:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-29 
>>>> 00:10:00
>>>> epoch: 1559052900 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-29 00:15:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-28T14:15:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-29 
>>>> 00:15:00
>>>> epoch: 1559137800 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-29 23:50:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-29T13:50:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-29 
>>>> 23:50:00
>>>> epoch: 1559138100 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-29 23:55:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-29T13:55:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-29 
>>>> 23:55:00
>>>> Number of WU records:          288
>>>> [rodyager@moses ~]$ /home/weewx/bin/wunderdates3 --epsilon=125 --date 
>>>> 2019-05-30  --test --verbose | (head -n 11 ; tail -n 3)
>>>> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf.
>>>> Weather Underground Station:   ISYDNEY155
>>>> Date to check:                 2019-05-30
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-05-31
>>>> WU API RETURNED WRONG DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> WU API COMPENSATION DATE:      2019-05-29
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-05-30
>>>> epoch: 1559138400 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-30 00:00:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-29T14:00:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-30 
>>>> 00:00:00
>>>> epoch: 1559138700 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-30 00:05:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-29T14:05:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-30 
>>>> 00:05:00
>>>> epoch: 1559139000 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-30 00:10:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-29T14:10:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-30 
>>>> 00:10:00
>>>> epoch: 1559139300 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-30 00:15:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-29T14:15:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-30 
>>>> 00:15:00
>>>> epoch: 1559224200 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-30 23:50:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-30T13:50:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-30 
>>>> 23:50:00
>>>> epoch: 1559224500 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-30 23:55:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-30T13:55:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-30 
>>>> 23:55:00
>>>> Number of WU records:          288
>>>> [rodyager@moses ~]$ /home/weewx/bin/wunderdates3 --epsilon=125 --date 
>>>> 2019-05-31  --test --verbose | (head -n 11 ; tail -n 3)
>>>> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf.
>>>> Weather Underground Station:   ISYDNEY155
>>>> Date to check:                 2019-05-31
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-06-01
>>>> WU API RETURNED WRONG DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> WU API COMPENSATION DATE:      2019-05-30
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-05-31
>>>> epoch: 1559224800 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-31 00:00:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-30T14:00:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-31 
>>>> 00:00:00
>>>> epoch: 1559225100 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-31 00:05:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-30T14:05:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-31 
>>>> 00:05:00
>>>> epoch: 1559225400 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-31 00:10:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-30T14:10:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-31 
>>>> 00:10:00
>>>> epoch: 1559225700 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-31 00:15:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-30T14:15:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-31 
>>>> 00:15:00
>>>> epoch: 1559310600 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-31 23:50:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-31T13:50:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-31 
>>>> 23:50:00
>>>> epoch: 1559310900 date_epoch_local: 2019-05-31 23:55:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-31T13:55:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-05-31 
>>>> 23:55:00
>>>> Number of WU records:          288
>>>> [rodyager@moses ~]$ /home/weewx/bin/wunderdates3 --epsilon=125 --date 
>>>> 2019-06-01  --test --verbose | (head -n 11 ; tail -n 3)
>>>> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf.
>>>> Weather Underground Station:   ISYDNEY155
>>>> Date to check:                 2019-06-01
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-06-02
>>>> WU API RETURNED WRONG DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> WU API COMPENSATION DATE:      2019-05-31
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-06-01
>>>> epoch: 1559311200 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-01 00:00:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-31T14:00:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-01 
>>>> 00:00:00
>>>> epoch: 1559311500 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-01 00:05:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-31T14:05:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-01 
>>>> 00:05:00
>>>> epoch: 1559311800 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-01 00:10:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-31T14:10:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-01 
>>>> 00:10:00
>>>> epoch: 1559312100 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-01 00:15:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-05-31T14:15:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-01 
>>>> 00:15:00
>>>> epoch: 1559397000 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-01 23:50:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-01T13:50:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-01 
>>>> 23:50:00
>>>> epoch: 1559397300 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-01 23:55:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-01T13:55:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-01 
>>>> 23:55:00
>>>> Number of WU records:          288
>>>> [rodyager@moses ~]$ /home/weewx/bin/wunderdates3 --epsilon=125 --date 
>>>> 2019-06-02  --test --verbose | (head -n 11 ; tail -n 3)
>>>> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf.
>>>> Weather Underground Station:   ISYDNEY155
>>>> Date to check:                 2019-06-02
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-06-03
>>>> WU API RETURNED WRONG DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> WU API COMPENSATION DATE:      2019-06-01
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-06-02
>>>> epoch: 1559397600 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-02 00:00:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-01T14:00:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-02 
>>>> 00:00:00
>>>> epoch: 1559397900 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-02 00:05:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-01T14:05:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-02 
>>>> 00:05:00
>>>> epoch: 1559398200 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-02 00:10:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-01T14:10:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-02 
>>>> 00:10:00
>>>> epoch: 1559398500 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-02 00:15:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-01T14:15:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-02 
>>>> 00:15:00
>>>> epoch: 1559483400 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-02 23:50:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-02T13:50:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-02 
>>>> 23:50:00
>>>> epoch: 1559483700 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-02 23:55:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-02T13:55:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-02 
>>>> 23:55:00
>>>> Number of WU records:          288
>>>> [rodyager@moses ~]$ /home/weewx/bin/wunderdates3 --epsilon=125 --date 
>>>> 2019-06-03  --test --verbose | (head -n 11 ; tail -n 3)
>>>> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf.
>>>> Weather Underground Station:   ISYDNEY155
>>>> Date to check:                 2019-06-03
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-06-04
>>>> WU API RETURNED WRONG DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> WU API COMPENSATION DATE:      2019-06-02
>>>> WU API obsTimeLocal:           2019-06-03
>>>> epoch: 1559484000 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-03 00:00:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-02T14:00:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-03 
>>>> 00:00:00
>>>> epoch: 1559484300 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-03 00:05:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-02T14:05:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-03 
>>>> 00:05:00
>>>> epoch: 1559484600 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-03 00:10:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-02T14:10:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-03 
>>>> 00:10:00
>>>> epoch: 1559484900 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-03 00:15:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-02T14:15:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-03 
>>>> 00:15:00
>>>> epoch: 1559569800 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-03 23:50:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-03T13:50:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-03 
>>>> 23:50:00
>>>> epoch: 1559570100 date_epoch_local: 2019-06-03 23:55:00 tz: 
>>>> Australia/Sydney obsTimeUtc: 2019-06-03T13:55:00Z obsTimeLocal: 2019-06-03 
>>>> 23:55:00
>>>> Number of WU records:          288
>>>> [rodyager@moses ~]$ /home/weewx/bin/wunderdates3 --epsilon=125   --test 
>>>> --verbose | (head -n 11 ; tail -n 3)
>>>> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf.
>>>> Weather Underground Station:   ISY
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