
Sorry for the wasted post, I have this sorted (for the most part). 
Apparently I was a bit overdone getting the networking sorted and didn't 
read the fine manual provided for interceptor so I missed there was a 
wu-client device. Once that was set things work much, much better. The only 
error I am getting in syslog is:

Jul 24 22:21:08 Weewx2 weewx[20428]: interceptor: MainThread: unrecognized 
parameter *rainin=0.00*

I removed the sensor_map so I guess this is part of interceptor.py? Below 
is representative of what I get when running interceptor.py in debug mode:

:~$ sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python 
/usr/share/weewx/user/interceptor.py --device=wu-client --mode=listen 
--port=80 --debug
identifiers: {}
raw data: 
raw packet: {'wind_speed': 4.0, 'barometer': 30.26, 'wind_gust': 7.0, 
'dewpoint': 51.8, 'humidity_out': 42.0, 'uv': 0.0, 'rain': None, 
'dateTime':1564028339, 'temperature_out': 76.6, 'wind_dir': 195.0, 
'rain_total': 0.0, 'wind_gust_dir': 0.0, 'usUnits': 1}
mapped packet: {'barometer': 30.26, 'dewpoint': 51.8, 'outHumidity': 42.0, 
'UV': 0.0, *'rain': None*, 'dateTime': 1564028339, 'windDir': 195.0, 
'outemp': 76.6, 'windSpeed': 4.0, 'windGust': 7.0, 'usUnits': 1, 
'windGustDir': 0.0}

I see that I am getting dailyrain from the wu data and it is likely getting 
mapped to rain, would it be better to map rainin to rain and let weewx 
calculate my daily rain? Any assistance on this appreciated as rain 
measurement is one of my primary wants from this setup. 



On Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 7:14:40 PM UTC-6, Chris McLeod wrote:
> Hello, 
> I just got my new Atlas set up and having not done my research found that 
> getting it to work with SDR isn't a solved solution as yet (if I am missing 
> something please tell me) so I decided to go the interceptor route. I have 
> the Access setup up and sending, have the pfSense resolver routing it to my 
> ubuntu box and I can see the data both with tcpdump and with interceptor.py 
> running in debug mode. I have made two attempts at a [[sensor_map]] (one 
> off of tcpdump and one off of interceptor.py in debug mode) but I am still 
> not getting anything but an eroneous rain measurement into the database. I 
> am guessing its the sensor_map that is borked but since I don't know for 
> sure I will be putting much more data here in case someone can assist. 
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris
> weewx 3.9.2 installed from apt repository for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
> *tcpdump on Ubuntu box:*
> tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
> listening on ens160, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
> 17:01:03.669281 IP W550-0A43C9.little-to-no.org.3132 > 
> rtupdate.wunderground.com.http: Flags [P.], seq 1:440, ack 1, win 8192, 
> length 439: HTTP: GET 
> /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?ID=@@@@@@@&PASSWORD=*********&softwaretype=myAcuRite&dateutc=now&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=35&baromin=30.13&UV=1&humidity=19&tempf=92.6&windspeedmph=2&winddir=53&windgustmph=3&windgustdir=90&dewptf=44.3&dailyrainin=0.00&rainin=0.00
> HTTP/1.1
> From this I built the following sensor_map
> [[sensor_map]]
> barometer = baromin
> UV = UV
> outHumidity = humidity
> outTemp = tempf
> windSpeed = windspeedmph
> windDir = winddir
> windGust = windgustmph
> windGustDir= windgustdir
> dewpoint = dewptf
> rain = rainin
> but got nothing but the humidity on to the index.html
> *interceptory.py in manually with device type acurite-bridge*
> cmcleod@Weewx2:~$ sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python 
> /usr/share/weewx/user/interceptor.py --device=acurite-bridge --mode=listen 
> --port=80
> identifiers: {'bridge_id': None, 'sensor_type': None, 'sensor_id': None}
> *interceptor.py in manual mode with device type observer (found old post 
> where someone mentioned they got it going with observer)*
> cmcleod@Weewx2:~$ sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python 
> /usr/share/weewx/user/interceptor.py --device=observer --mode=listen 
> --port=80
> identifiers: {}
> *Interceptor.py debug output w/accurite-bridge setting*
> cmcleod@Weewx2:~$ sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python 
> /usr/share/weewx/user/interceptor.py --device=acurite-bridge --mode=listen 
> --port=80 --bug
> identifiers: {'bridge_id': None, 'sensor_type': None, 'sensor_id': None}
> raw data: 
> ID=KCOTHORN74&PASSWORD=YdrxbW2U&softwaretype=myAcuRite&dateutc=now&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=35&baromin=30.20&UV=1&humidity=53&tempf=74.7&windspeedmph=8&winddir=34&windgustmph=16&windgustdir=37&dewptf=56.4&dailyrainin=0.08&rainin=0.00
> raw packet: {'winddir..': 34.0, 'dateTime': 1564016918, 'usUnits..': 1, 
> 'pressure..': 30.2, 'temperature..': 74.7, 'dateTime..': 1564016918, 
> 'windspeed..': 8.0, 'rainfall..': None, 'usUnits': 1, 'humidity..': 53.0}
> mapped packet: {'pressure': 30.2, 'usUnits': 1, 'dateTime': 1564016918}
> As you can see the items here are named quite a bit differently than in 
> just the raw HTTP GET so I generated a new sensor_map
>   [[sensor_map]]
>         barometer = pressure
>         outHumidity = humidity
>         outTemp = temperature
>         windSpeed = windspeed
>         windDir = winddir
>         dewpoint = dewptf
>         rain = rainfall
>         UV = UV
> And now I have lost the barometric pressure.  
> So as you can see the data is getting sent from my access to wunderground, 
> redirected by pfSense to my Ubuntu box. I had hoped that would be the hard 
> part and getting it into the db would be easier but I am obviously doing 
> something wrong. Any assistance appreciated. I will respond quicky for asks 
> for any missing infomration. 

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